Storming The Field


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about coming down tomorrow but need to know if we are all storming the field tomorrow if Iowa was to pull off the upset. Or do we act like we have won before and simply go back to tailgating after the game?
We go back to tailgating. Keep it classy. It's "only" Wisconsin. Now, if it was our bitter cross-divisional rival Purdue, that would be a different story!
I am thinking about coming down tomorrow but need to know if we are all storming the field tomorrow if Iowa was to pull off the upset. Or do we act like we have won before and simply go back to tailgating after the game?

So you would skip seeing Iowa beat a ranked opponent because your annoyance for watching fans storm the field would outweigh your joy of seeing that victory in person? I would recommend that you and all fans like you stay home and let the real fans attend the game.
Nothing wrong or "unclassy" (is that a word?) about storming the field after a big win IMO. It just adds to the gameday environment if you ask me. I don't understand people who whine about things like this.
So you would skip seeing Iowa beat a ranked opponent because your annoyance for watching fans storm the field would outweigh your joy of seeing that victory in person? I would recommend that you and all fans like you stay home and let the real fans attend the game.

A little touchy before our morning coffee?

Perhaps he was trying to decide what shoes would be best for storming the field. It's kind of hard to do with 3 inch heels.

ssckelley - I'd plan for the storming of the field so go with the flat pumps (The black and gold colored ones of course).
Sry ssckelley... gotta agree with these guys. If the Hawks were to pull it out I would simply go back to tailgaiting, but it would be a huge victory for the program. If some drunk students and fans want to run onto the field who really cares? I much prefer an over-enthusiastic fan base as opposed to an under-enthusiastic one. At least it shows we care.
Guys, this isn't Dayton in a first round NIT game. Let's act like we've been here before and listen to the fine folks at Whelan Security.
As to whether or not we should be storming the filed against Wisconsin I think it depends. If it was a sound defeat, then be classy and go back to your tailgating party. If it was a big come from behind last second win (ala 2009 MSU game) then I think storming the field is perfectly acceptable.
When we win tomorrow, although I will be extremely happy, I won't storm the field. That should be reserved for wins against top 10 teams......that and I will have my to kids with me.
IMHO anytime you go into a game with the focus of stroming the field its already a fail. There's moments where I see nothing wrong with storming the field/court, but it happens in the heat of the moment. The moment doesn't exist if you enter the stadium with the forethought of doing nothing but strorming the field.
I got in trouble last week for touching the velvet rope...that and there is usually big police dogs right in front of they know I've done it before....

This would be a huge win for our season, but would be nowhere near storm the field level.
I wouldn't do it for Wisconsin. They might take it like ISU did with the basketball game last year, when they saw the student section spill onto the corner of the court to congratulate the players after they finished their handshakes and sportsmanship stuff, and they thought that was storming the court and that we did it because we think ISU is awesome. I wouldn't want Wisconsin to see us storming the field and get a big head, as if we all think we have no business beating them. #3 Penn State in 2008? Go ahead and storm it. But not for #24 Wisconsin.
win over OSU.......... storm worthy. last second win....... storm worthy, win over a top 5 team in the nation........stormworthy, rosebowl clinching victory (or bcs clinching bowl victory)..........storm worthy and take the other teams goal posts with you. other than that, nope. We're not ISU.
Here's the deal. If fans want to storm the field, let them. Don't be threatening the very fans that pay for everything with arrests and maulings by police dogs. There's a place for police enforcement. Kinnick Stadium field, after a game, shouldn't be one of them.
Storm is the wrong word. Go down on the field to congratulate the players on a big upset( 10pt underdogs at home?) is fine. Stroll the floor of Kinnick and soak in the cool feeling of beating wisky and beng on the same field as Nile Kinnick 74 years ago. look up at the stands and try to imagine being a rb running down the field with all those fans roaring....jog a bit, get some exercise....enjoy being a Hawkeye!

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