Stop calling Kirk conservative. He's not.


Well-Known Member
By my definition, a conservative coach calls the play that gives his team the greatest chance to win, statistically speaking. Kirk doesn’t always. Whether you agree with his calls or (more likely right now) not, it is actually more accurate in my mind to say he is radical in his reliance on his defense at the end of games than to label him an ultraconservative play caller.

Example: Not attempting to score at the end of the ISU game, or the OSU game in 2009 is not the conventional move, nor would it seem to me to be the call that, from a statistical perspective, gives your team the greatest chance of victory. Therefore, I think it’s inaccurate to call it a conservative strategy. I think this also applies to some of the other times he’s shown a lack of aggression offensively (probably including the FG Saturday in OT).
He is not conservative. I once saw him eat spaghetti without tucking a napkin in his shirt "bib" style. He just kept it in his lap. Man.......what a crazy nut!!

con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)

1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
2. Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit.
3. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.

There were other descriptions that related to religion or politics, so didn't include those.

Kirk seems to fit these descriptions pretty well.
By my definition, a conservative coach calls the play that gives his team the greatest chance to win, statistically speaking. Kirk doesn’t always. Whether you agree with his calls or (more likely right now) not, it is actually more accurate in my mind to say he is radical in his reliance on his defense at the end of games than to label him an ultraconservative play caller.

Example: Not attempting to score at the end of the ISU game, or the OSU game in 2009 is not the conventional move, nor would it seem to me to be the call that, from a statistical perspective, gives your team the greatest chance of victory. Therefore, I think it’s inaccurate to call it a conservative strategy. I think this also applies to some of the other times he’s shown a lack of aggression offensively (probably including the FG Saturday in OT).

What? You're looking at this all wrong. A conservative coach calls the play that gives his team the best chance of NOT LOSING. Which is different than playing to win.
He runs the reverse to set up the fake reverse later in games. But since they only run it late in games for large losses, they never get a chance to set up the fake later...

What about the WR reverse call? I can't believe that does not fool more teams.
not conservative????

Then what do you call a coach who sits on the ball with 1:17 left and a chance to win the game? Or how about 4th and 1 in OT where your defense have failed twice to keep the other team out of the end zone and your line has been able to get at least a yard on every running play?
I love Kirk and know hes a great coach but I can just see him blowing the dust of an old book entitled "Trick Plays" published in 1952 after being criticized for being too conservative.
Kirk: Hey Ken, apparently someone other than the Quarterback can throw the ball
KOK: Ive never heard about that, lets run it up the middle.
Kirk: No, this is great! They will all run towards the wide receiver and he can throw it to a wide open guy.
KOK: When does the middle run come into play?
Kirk: There is no running up the middle involved Ken.
KOK: ...
Kirk: We need to get back to the game here, crap, its almost halftime. Oh well, just sit on the ball, well figure out something good at halftime.
KOK: I know a good play Kirk, its a run up the mid...
Kirk: Shut Up Ken.

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