Still players in the hospital?

Sorry... I don't followed your broken logic.

1. you claim to have knowledge that this workout session was different than the past. so much so that doyle should be fired.

2. you claim that all 13 guys were in the same workout group. insinuating, i guess, that they were treated differently than the other 100.

3. they were not in a separate group. see transcript above posted in a post above.

this is a logic fail on your part - you know - claiming detailed knowledge of a situation and lacking the basic knowledge disseminated in a press conference. perhaps you'll claim they are lying about such?
Ferentz, as always, would take the heat before he would allow Doyle to go down for this...It ain't happening. Although law suits may....
What do you mean all the players weren't in the same group. Matt & Miller on KXnO talked on their show that they (Iowa) must of pushed one group too hard as punishment or something and everyone in that group is in the hospital.

This must just be another case of the Iowa staff lying about a situation.

Ferentz, as always, would take the heat before he would allow Doyle to go down for this...It ain't happening. Although law suits may....
If this happens I will be very upset unless there are some pretty specific reasons the truly implicate the coaches for some reason.
At this point nothing other than a "perfect storm" scenario seems to have happened. Hopefully the kids are fine and this is nothing more than a lesson in how easy it is to get dehydated when you are workng and competeing at the highest levels physically. Lots of factors can contribute even though they may appear pretty harmless.
What do you mean all the players weren't in the same group. Matt & Miller on KXnO talked on their show that they (Iowa) must of pushed one group too hard as punishment or something and everyone in that group is in the hospital.

This must just be another case of the Iowa staff lying about a situation.


I feel dumber for having read a post that touches on the content of a Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dummer Show.
What do you mean all the players weren't in the same group. Matt & Miller on KXnO talked on their show that they (Iowa) must of pushed one group too hard as punishment or something and everyone in that group is in the hospital.

This must just be another case of the Iowa staff lying about a situation.


Matt and Miller? Seriously?
As a 50 year Hawkeye, I am beginning to hate Hawkeye fans more than I hate TOSU, Yankees, Steelers, Gators and UM fans.
I'm Hawkeye to the core, but I'm not going to bury my head and ignore how serious this is. Former players say they have been through the same kind of workout... They weren't in THIS workout. The players that went through this workout are no longer talking.

I'm saying that's a bold-faced lie. You've been on this board running down Ferentz, the program and the staff at every juncture the past few days. If you are a true Hawkeye, how about backing this staff -- every single one of them -- at this very critical juncture until all the facts are in?

I have questions, too, and from a perception standpoint I think this has been handled very badly. But I firmly believe that every single member of the staff cares very deeply about each player and was (is) looking out for their best interests. I am certain they are all hurting deeply about what happened, whether or not it was within their control.

Right now there are a lot of bullets being fired at Kirk Ferentz, Chris Doyle and others from many directions, most of it in the form of unfair and uninformed criticism. It's time that true Hawkeyes have their backs, wouldn't you say? :mad:
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Has there been any information released about any of the boys being put on dialysis.

I think the doc mentioned that no one had been. Dialysis is only necessary if someone has lost 85-90% of kidney function. The highest we've heard "reported" was 60% loss.

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