Steelers should suspend and trade Big Ben

Not sure where you grew up, but where I grew up, "no" means "no" or are you basing that simply on "he hasn't been convicted"?

"No" does mean "no". You act like it's a fact that she said no. Like I said in another thread, my opinion changes if it's rape rather than taking advantage of someone. Neither is a good thing obviously but I'd be willing to give the guy another chance if it's the latter.
I have absolutely no love for Ben R., his legacy or his team. Personally, I think he's a big dummy with the personality to match. I wouldn't care one way or another if his career fell apart for any reason.

That said, it concerns me how many of you are blatantly labeling him a "rapist" when, really, you have no idea what happened that night. Being a sleazeball doesn't make you a rapist. Saying otherwise is irresponsible.
I don't throw out compliments like this very often...but congratulations! This could be the dumbest post I've ever seen.


I just hope you're not trolling, it would ruin it for me...

All hail hawkeyeshane because he is the almighty one... you think that he committed a crime, but you have no facts or proof behind it.

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