Stave loses QB battle at Wiscy


Well-Known Member
What do you all make of this? Is McEvoy this year's Connor Cook (with Stave playing the part of Andrew Maxwell), or is it a matter of Stave not being an Andersen-style QB?
Anderson has said from Day 1 that he arrived in Wisky that he wants a QB with the ability to run. Obviously Stave doesn't come close to fitting that bill. I don't think McEvoy is this year's Cook because Cook is a heckuva thrower.....McEvoy, not so much. But McEvoy will give Wisky a good threat running the ball and you can expect to see A LOT of zone read running plays so that the defense can't just key on Gordon. With the fact that Wisky lost 75% of it's receptions from a year ago, neither one has experienced targets to throw to so McEvoy's athleticism becomes even more important. But trying to break in a QB who just moved over from safety ain't gonna be easy for them.
According to ESPN and their "sources", Stauve may have been limited in the summer which basically gave the job to McEvoy. I hope that kid is as bad as he looked Saturday night. Then again LSU's D can make a lot of QBs look bad.
On a radio show today, there was a listener that emailed in and said that he got seats right behind UWs bench. In his opinion, he felt that there was a huge divide between Bret's players and Anderson's players. Sounds like it could get a little ugly.

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