Spring game to be on a Friday evening this year


Well-Known Member
SPRING PLANS: Iowa expects to hold its annual spring game on a Friday evening this year.

It is currently set for April 21 at Kinnick Stadium, two weeks after the Hawkeyes hold a public workout on April 7 in West Des Moines

I wonder why they made this change. There is no guaruntee it will be warm out on April 21. But if the weather is nice, it could be a fun night for fans. Maybe this is a test to see how future games on Friday will work out.
Friday nights are for high school football. Period.

Yeah and it is going to happen like once every 5 years so yeah that will break everyone. You must not have kids or you would realize how much stuff goes on during Saturdays now in terms of kids' activities. I don't think 1 game every 5 years is going to end high school football.
My kid played soccer, ran track...i get it. High School activities happen on all nights.

the point is that Friday night is NOT.... for college football. I'm far from alone in that sentiment.
B10 so assuming TV is why. they spread the spring games out so more days they have stories/coverage of football which is their number 1 sport.
even if there was a Friday night game, there would be no tailgating, at least not near Kinnick. Those lots are used for employee parking (mostly hospital employees) Monday - Friday & they park in the lots from around 6a - 5pm.
even if there was a Friday night game, there would be no tailgating, at least not near Kinnick. Those lots are used for employee parking (mostly hospital employees) Monday - Friday & they park in the lots from around 6a - 5pm.

Well I happened to have needed to spend a few days in that hospital a few years ago and it was over a weekend and that hospital was fully staffed and operating on the weekend. Every game day that hospital is operating at full staff. We see helicopters and in and out during games. That argument doesn't fly. People get sick and injured all days of the week and the hospital operates 24/7. What it would interrupt is anyone visiting patients or with scheduled appointments for that day. My guess is they would not allow game parking in the hospital ramps. So if game was on Friday the employees would need to park wherever the Saturday employees park when a game is on.
I agree that Fridays are a terrible night for universities to be competing with HS sports. It's too bad that the schools think the possibility of more money is worth more to them then allowing kids be it recruits or not just kids the chance to be fans of and watch those games/events. Money is what makes the world go around though for all of us...
So, what was the rationale for Friday night? Surely someone has heard something about what they were thinking?
I am a little surprised the reaction is so negative to this, to the point that I originally thought people were not serious. There is obviously no high school FB in April, so I don't quite understand the "Fridays are for high school FB" argument. I don't know about the scheduling of other spring sports, but I know T&F would be much more likely to have a meet on Saturday than to have one on Friday.

I am mostly indifferent to the change to Friday night, but I could see it resulting in better energy, but maybe being less little-kid friendly.

For those that are against it, I am sure there are others who share your viewpoint out there, so it will be interesting to see how this goes over as a whole. I am sure if they get a lot of negative feedback it will change back next year.
Well I happened to have needed to spend a few days in that hospital a few years ago and it was over a weekend and that hospital was fully staffed and operating on the weekend. Every game day that hospital is operating at full staff. We see helicopters and in and out during games. That argument doesn't fly. People get sick and injured all days of the week and the hospital operates 24/7. What it would interrupt is anyone visiting patients or with scheduled appointments for that day. My guess is they would not allow game parking in the hospital ramps. So if game was on Friday the employees would need to park wherever the Saturday employees park when a game is on.
what I know is if you park in those lots Monday - Friday and you don't have a UofI parking pass, you get a nice fat ticket
You guys need to chill out; it isn't even a game. It's a practice, ffs. Who gives a shit when they do it?

The whole thing is for kids anyway. An adult bitching about the time/format of the spring game would be the same as a grown man whining that the ball pit isn't regulation size in the McDonald's play area.

I'm envisioning a bunch of 40-somethings who still have their earrings in and wear Tapout shirts.

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