
Well-Known Member
I was at the game and couldn't tell about the helmet to helmet call at the time, but the dvr clearly showed the call was justified. I have been to every big ten stadium and a few others. I have never seen such unsportsmanlike behaviour from fans in my life. To boo the call while a player was laying limp on the field is ridiculous. For all they knew Colin could have been dead or paralyzed! It wasn't just a few bad fans, it was the overwhelming majority of the stadium. I was pretty hot about it and was glad I was in the Iowa section because I don't think I could have controlled myself.
Anybody else notice this? I heard that the tv announcers didn't say anything but Dolph/Podolak talked about it briefly.
It makes me appreciate being an Iowan, as I am confident we would not react this way in our beloved sanctuary Kinnick stadium.

On Iowa, Go Hawks
I give them a pass on this one, they were mad because 1)the flag was so late and 2)they were following the lead of their coach...and 3)sportsmanship has long been dead my friend, i stopped counting the times Prater was running his mouth and dancing around after a tackle or doing something embarassing...
I was not surprised by a few bad fans. I was surprised by the WHOLE stadium booing.
Normally I don't get upset about just bad sportsmanship. But when one of our players is seriously injured it enrages me!
From the linked article it sounds like this isn't the first example of this, a similar chant occured during an injury in their LOSS to CENTRAL MICHIGAN.
Hopefully we will be smiling about it in Pasadena!
Eddie Podolak mentioned it in his blog on the MSU game. He said he understood MSU fans booing the call...normal. But when they booed as Sandeman was led off the field, Eddie indicated it was the worst display of bad sportsmanship he has ever witnessed in the Big Ten.

He has a good read over there on the game and his golf outing to Kohler,Wis....

Eddie tells it straight...MSU fans should be ashamed.
that link was helpful and sickens me that guy thought he was milking it!! guy had a seizure and is lucky to get up
My buddies were at the game, they got tickets from an uncle who was a big spartan donor and they said it was just insane the sportsmanship by MSU. At one point during the game, I think when Greenwood was being loaded onto the stretcher, a fan stood up and yelled "Get 20 more carts out here, these P*SS*ES aren't making out of East lansing alive."

They uncle or whoever stood up and said if I hear one more word out your mouth I'm gonna come and kick your @ss! My buddies said it was classic! The guy kept going on and finally was kicked out because other MSU fans were upset with him.

I mean I know every big ten stadium has it idiots like that, but i can guarantee you if an Iowa fan did that, while an opponent was down on the turf, security would be all over him.
I completely agree. I have never been more upset at a Big Ten football game. I'd have to think that something like this would never happen at Kinnick.
What was so astonishing is that they continued to boo and boo and boo.
This was my first time at a football game outside of Kinnick, Camp Randall, and Jack Trice. Never witnessed anything like it before.

Classless fans.
My buddies were at the game, they got tickets from an uncle who was a big spartan donor and they said it was just insane the sportsmanship by MSU. At one point during the game, I think when Greenwood was being loaded onto the stretcher, a fan stood up and yelled "Get 20 more carts out here, these P*SS*ES aren't making out of East lansing alive."

They uncle or whoever stood up and said if I hear one more word out your mouth I'm gonna come and kick your @ss! My buddies said it was classic! The guy kept going on and finally was kicked out because other MSU fans were upset with him.

I mean I know every big ten stadium has it idiots like that, but i can guarantee you if an Iowa fan did that, while an opponent was down on the turf, security would be all over him.

What has become of us...i think that we could all learn something about ourselves from the crazy MSU fan and maybe we should be asking some questions of ourselves...have we all become P*$$*3$? I actually hate the guy that turns around and confronts the loud guy...don't be a baby sir...this quote, if said, is classic, "Get 20 more carts out here, these P*SS*ES aren't making out of East lansing alive." i love it
I wouldn't of laughed at that. First off you don't know the extent of the players injury that is down on the field. Winning or not winning, you don't need to act like an idiot when a player is injured. Its called respect for the game, players get hurt and things happen. But as fans we have an obligation to treat every player, coach, official with respect no matter what team they play for.

I am sorry but that quote that they told me, was true and the uncle was very upset as was every other person around him. Hence that's why he got kicked out of the game, because other MSU fans were upset with him. When he got kicked out the fans from MSU cheered that he was leaving.

No joke if an Iowa fan would be acting like this, if he got the boot, I would stand up and cheer. Get those idiots out of the stadium, we don't need people like that. Were a better fan base then that.
I wouldn't of laughed at that. First off you don't know the extent of the players injury that is down on the field. Winning or not winning, you don't need to act like an idiot when a player is injured. Its called respect for the game, players get hurt and things happen. But as fans we have an obligation to treat every player, coach, official with respect no matter what team they play for.

I am sorry but that quote that they told me, was true and the uncle was very upset as was every other person around him. Hence that's why he got kicked out of the game, because other MSU fans were upset with him. When he got kicked out the fans from MSU cheered that he was leaving.

No joke if an Iowa fan would be acting like this, if he got the boot, I would stand up and cheer. Get those idiots out of the stadium, we don't need people like that. Were a better fan base then that.

Its a shame that people are so affected by some words coming out of someone's mouth
No, it's a shame that you are so unaffected and would laugh at this behavior. Completely classless, and you are, for lack of a better term, a giant piece of ****. I hope I never sit anywhere near you at a game and I hope you never go to a game at Kinnick again. We don't need people like you in our fanbase

Its a shame that people are so affected by some words coming out of someone's mouth
No, it's a shame that you are so unaffected and would laugh at this behavior. Completely classless, and you are, for lack of a better term, a giant piece of ****. I hope I never sit anywhere near you at a game and I hope you never go to a game at Kinnick again. We don't need people like you in our fanbase

really, here you are spouting off about being classy and look at what you just said...hypocrite...trying to be all holier than thou. pathetic
For what it's worth my wife is in law school at MSU. We are born and bread Hawkeyes so we had about 8 friends in town for the game. I've been to MSU games before I and I've witnessed how they treat the opposing teams/fans. I was a little worried about it but I have to say we met great Sparty fans and didn't have any issues. I agree that the booing was low class while a kid is down on the ground. It just makes me proud to be from a place where that wouldn't happen. It's a great day to be a Hawkeye ... even in the state of Michigan.
I was at the game and couldn't tell about the helmet to helmet call at the time, but the dvr clearly showed the call was justified. I have been to every big ten stadium and a few others. I have never seen such unsportsmanlike behaviour from fans in my life. To boo the call while a player was laying limp on the field is ridiculous. For all they knew Colin could have been dead or paralyzed! It wasn't just a few bad fans, it was the overwhelming majority of the stadium. I was pretty hot about it and was glad I was in the Iowa section because I don't think I could have controlled myself.
Anybody else notice this? I heard that the tv announcers didn't say anything but Dolph/Podolak talked about it briefly.
It makes me appreciate being an Iowan, as I am confident we would not react this way in our beloved sanctuary Kinnick stadium.

On Iowa, Go Hawks

I wasnt so lucky to be sitting with any Iowa fans inside of 50ft from me and my wife. The sportsmanship that 95% of the Spartans around us showed was nothing short of disgusting. I'm not real good at holding my tongue and either is my wife I found out. After listening to verbal threats of physical violence directed at both me and my wife from some 40 yr old neanderthal it was a beautiful silence that fell upon us when the clock hit 0.00. I dont think McNutt was on the ground yet before we were looking for any sign of black and gold and running towards it. Great to get out of East Lansing with win and four good tires on the car yet! Should all be a distant memory when that California sunshine hits my lucky gold hat.

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