Sports Media is controlling.

I love how so many people on here "hate" lebron. I can tell who the weak minds are in the fanbase if you hate someone merely because tv is subliminally telling you that you do. I understand dislike, but if you hate someone you've never met that's sad and lets be honest none of you actually have a good reason why you hate him except for that he isn't on your team. I mean with some of the ignorant comments and reasons for "hating" lebron; you'd think this was the Nebraska board. Have some class hawks. Justify your reasoning for hate other saying cause he whines. Cause right now you all are the whiny *******. Slez Out. Jk about that last part john.
I think fandom, being a big sports fan, makes using the word "Hate" not quite like "hate in the hatfield and mccoys" type of hate. Fans say they "hate" and it is over the top in its use.

As far as Labron, he does things to rub fans the wrong way and many have been mentioned in this thread.

But what he said after a recent game where he fouled out in the series against the celtics that "I don't foul out, I should never foul out" it is those kinds of quotes that make people "hate" him because he thinks he is above the game and he has too much ego.
i never liked lebron. you mad? stop taking the word "hate" to its most literal meaning. i think its equally as ridiculous to say you "love" someone you've never met. i'm sure you've said that before. have some class truehawk
I love you whammer33024.