Spence commits to OSU


Well-Known Member
Meyer has now added Schutt (#5 DT), Pittman (#8 D), Washington (#3 DE), and Spence (#1 DE) to his class. 3 5* and 1 4*.

That is a heck of a DLine recruitng class (scout rankings)

They all seem to know there will be no reprocussions. I would love to see this blow up in Meyer's face.

OSU is going to be much better than they were with Tressel at the helm. Scary.
dont they know they are going to get sanctions close to USC maybe a little harsher, aslo greg garmon interested in Miami which should get close to the death penalty
If this is the way it goes for to$u then I think that you would have to consider this the green light from the NCAA to break the rules. IF all you care about is winning then there would be no reason not to.
Must be nice to have an entire staff dedicated strictly to recruiting. They are locking up recruits while all the other big boys are preparing for their bowl games.
There is just something so fricking wrong with what's going on in Columbus, apparently with the blessing of The Man. The NCAA's not only protecting its cash cow, it's nursing it back to health. It's an age old story, though: the rich get richer, the rest of us just get screwled.
Must be nice to have an entire staff dedicated strictly to recruiting. They are locking up recruits while all the other big boys are preparing for their bowl games.

It is nice. Especially since Urban is the best recruiter in the business. OSU's classes will be amazing for the foreseeable future.
It is nice. Especially since Urban is the best recruiter in the business. OSU's classes will be amazing for the foreseeable future.

I would be real proud to be a fan and supporter of a program that cheats its way to the top, why dont you grab your boyfriend Urban and do us all a favor and jump of the nearest bridge
It is nice. Especially since Urban is the best recruiter in the business. OSU's classes will be amazing for the foreseeable future.

Well they deserve it. Do things the right way for years and good things will happen. OSU set the bar for how a program should be run.
Lol....u mad bro?

LOL sure seems that way doesn't it? I'm not necessarily mad, just more dejected than anything. College football is by far my favorite sport to watch and due to the actions of a handful of teams and the action of the NCAA (or inaction) in dealing with said teams, it really makes me lose faith in the sport as a whole. As much as I love the Hawks and college football in general, what is the point of investing so much time, $$ and interest into a sport where teams are on such an uneven playing field that it's almost not even worth playing the game? Add to the fact, when you turn on the radio or TV (I.E. ESPN), all you hear about is how Auburn, Alabama, USC, OSU, etc. are so great and teams that try and get ahead by doing things the right way are chastised. Sorry for the rant...
It is nice. Especially since Urban is the best recruiter in the business. OSU's classes will be amazing for the foreseeable future.
There was a time I closely watched your posts and enjoyed your insights. It is now clear you are simply nothing more than another part of the problem with Top level NCAA athletics.
There was a time I closely watched your posts and enjoyed your insights. It is now clear you are simply nothing more than another part of the problem with Top level NCAA athletics.

I don't know, i'm just honest. Watching a 7-5 team that wins "the right way" is of no interest to me....you guys can have the moral highground, i'll cheer for the team that wins B10 titles and is a perennial national championship contender.

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