Sooo.. about Pete Carrol


Well-Known Member
Do you think the investigation was the only reason he bolted to the NFL? or do you think he may have caught some early wind of the different senerios the PAC-10 was thinking about doing to try and 1-up the Big 10.

I'm think it may be a combination of the 2 now.
What do you hooligans want him to say?

"Yeah, I knew these huge sanctions were coming, so I bolted to the NFL as quick as I could and left my players out to dry. Sorry."
What do you hooligans want him to say?

"Yeah, I knew these huge sanctions were coming, so I bolted to the NFL as quick as I could and left my players out to dry. Sorry."

Lol, yeah I wish he would say that, but I know he wont. I just wish he wouldnt use words like "shocked" and "cant believe it"
It's one thing for him to have left for the NFL. I think he may have been considering it anyway. But when he suddenly gave up what had been a pretty stubborn effort to have GM control as well as HC responsibilities, and not long after word of NCAA sanctions started going around, it became pretty clear he was gettin' the h*ll outta Dodge.
What do you hooligans want him to say?

"Yeah, I knew these huge sanctions were coming, so I bolted to the NFL as quick as I could and left my players out to dry. Sorry."

He might as well. The NCAA doesn't have the ability or gall to punish him. If he fails in the NFL, he'll just go back to the college game where he can tell players that they're worthless and they'll still want to play for him.

Oh, and hooligan is a soccer term. Maybe the sport isn't so irrelevant after all if you're picking up and using the lingo. ;)
PC is lame to even suggest that we are all so stupid to believe his rhetoric. Give me (or us) a little credit Pete.