Someone is failing this program

Actually the television commentators have been very positive towards Davis today. The kids just aren't executing the gameplan today.
I don't know who makes the decisions on assistant hirings, but Davis has been an absolute atrocity and keeping him this long is deserving of firing not only Davis, but whomever has decided he should stick around.
You really don't know who makes the decision to hire assistants or fire them? REALLY?
The offense showed the most life when they went to the bubble screen and short pass to the quick running back game. Hopefully they bring it out earlier in the game next week.
I think the bad recruiting classes and the retention level has finally caught up with Iowa. Last years recruiting class and hopefully the upcoming one can offset some of the play on the field. As for the assistants, well I will leave it at that. I do believe over the next 3 years if all of us have patience the play on the field will improve:). Ok, I said my peace and now don't kill the messenger:) This season just stinks period and we all know it. It would help the rest of the year to get the younger skill players if there is any left on the team some playing time
Actually the television commentators have been very positive towards Davis today. The kids just aren't executing the gameplan today.

Heard several times in the 2nd half:
Brian Griese: "Greg Davis is gonna have to come up with something new to get this passing game going"
Me: "Hahahaha!! Good one, Gries!"
Heard several times in the 2nd half:
Brian Griese: "Greg Davis is gonna have to come up with something new to get this passing game going"
Me: "Hahahaha!! Good one, Gries!"

The announcers did their best to stay tactful which they should. But I thought they pretty clearly called out the offensive play calling. Not hard to read between the lines if you listen. I live in the south and not in Iowa and in a part of the country where women get as hard core about football as the guys you see things from a very different vantage point as to how others look at our program. We really have put ourselves in a very difficult situation and I don't see any way out. Spending money on some welcome improvements to the stadium infrastructure doesn't do anything for our product or our brand.
In 2014 it was Chris Spielman's "come on play to win" quote. You could hear the frustration in his voice when he said it. Then the announcers today seemed to be bewildered that the offense had nothing innovative. How many 3 and outs were there. It's bad when the announcers are feeling the pain for the team. They can see Iowa football can be so much more than it is. I wonder what they said that we didn't hear?
I thought it was telling when the announcers tried to spin it "Hey, it's 7-6 what did you expect??" as they were completely bored and didn't want to be there.

Any other coach would be considered for firing after a season like this, but instead we extend his contract
Haha, anyone defending GD is out of their mind. Even last year, offense is not what won us games. It was the defense. How many games have been blow outs since GD has come on board? NW? Purdue? He's done nothing, even during the 12-0 run.
I don't know who makes the decisions on assistant hirings, but Davis has been an absolute atrocity and keeping him this long is deserving of firing not only Davis, but whomever has decided he should stick around.
Someone other than Barta and Ferentz?
Someone other than Barta and Ferentz?

Good question. Living out of state for as long as I have I think we have some big picture stuff I don't understand nor have a feel for. I suspect at the moment we have a good old boy network going on among the new university president who at least seems more friendly to athletics, Barta and Kirk Ferentz. It probably goes deeper than that when you factor in the politics connected with the Board of Regents.

We have a culture problem at Iowa when it comes to athletics and particularly football. I don't see any clear ways of fixing it as Barta seems as entrenched as KF.
It seemed to me that Wisconsin this year was Iowa last year. 11 quality players on defense, a good line and a streaky but frequently lifeless offense.
Better Schemes and play calls would make enough difference to have us at least at 7-1.

I'll concede that KF ultimately is on the hook...but changing OC is imperative.

We have other weaknesses, but none as glaring as pass routes and schemes or lack thereof.

Greg Davis literally does the opposite of scratching where it iches.