Some UNI open results


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I couldn't make it today and can't find brackets anywhere but one of the Hawks fathers is texting me some results. Here is what I have so far.

125 Gurule won 10-0
133 Trizzino beats Brandon Jones 3-2
149 Jake Ballweg gets a pin
157 Nick Moore wins 12-3, Mike Kelly won tf
165 Jannsen wins 14-4
184 Lira wins

133 Trizzino beats Colon

Sorry, that's all I have so far but better than nothing.
Guess that means Kerr will be wrestling again tonite. Any idea if it's Moore or Ramos at 133?
Brands was very specific last night that both Moore and Ramos would weigh in again tonight and both guys would be ready. The decision is still up in the air as to who will actually wrestle. He also said that Jannsen would go to UNI today and Kerr would wrestle tonight but he was very clear that 165 was very open yet and that Jannsen had a chance to prove himself today.
That's got to be tough mentally to weigh in not knowing who will wrestle. I wonder how Brands makes the last minute call (or maybe he know before hand and is playing mind games).
Here is the latest text that I got.

Trizzino wrestling Ryan Jauch from UNI right now.
Tomas Lira won 11-3
Jannsen, Fahler, and Evans also still on winners side.

Didn't mention the other guys but hopefully guys like Moore and Kelly are still winning as well.
Gurule lost 5-4
Jake Ballweg won by fall
Nick Moore won 2-0
Kelly wins by fall
Jannsen wins 9-1
Walt Gilmore still on front side
Evans won by fall
Fahler won 5-3 back side
Tomas Lira won 14-3 back side
Wagner won 6-4 front side
Telford won by fall front side
Wagner was up 3-2 with 15 seconds left and gets thrown and pinned.
Lira gets pin for 5th.
Gilmore pins Mizzou kid for 3rd.
Brands was very specific last night that both Moore and Ramos would weigh in again tonight and both guys would be ready. The decision is still up in the air as to who will actually wrestle. He also said that Jannsen would go to UNI today and Kerr would wrestle tonight but he was very clear that 165 was very open yet and that Jannsen had a chance to prove himself today.

At this rate Ramos is going to slam the door shut on that weight. he's getting after it!
I don't think it's possible for him to do it at 149 since I've read he certified at 157.

If you check the roster, it looks like he is certified @ 57 & 65. not a lot of depth @ 49. We have seemed to have a weight like this every year for the last few years, I just hope that Chiri can improve over the season.

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