Some thoughts.....


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted for a little while so I thought I would offer a up a few thoughts. First off although this team is young and unproven there has been some huge improvement over the summer and preseason. I am usually a little guarded when it comes to expressing my thoughts on here, in fact many people think I am a glass half empty type of guy, but this team has a ton of potential. I know many opposing fans won't like what I have to say, but the Hawks are going to be right in the thick of things come March. First off I think we know what we have in MM, but guys like Nate Moore, DSJ and Lofthouse are going to be household names by the time NCAA's role around. Moore has never looked better, he has his weight under control, is 100% healthy and has really improved his setups and offense from his feet. He is extremely tough to score on and has developed some explosiveness from the bottom. DSJ is just special, I don't know how to explain it any other way. He just has an uncanny ability to come out on the right side of things. He really frustrates his opponents and really does a good job of constantly attacking an capitalizing on opponent's mistakes. Gambrall has put on some nice size over the summer as has the older Lofthouse.

One the recruiting side of things, I don't expect Iowa to make much of a splash this year. McCauley is a heavy lean to Wisconsin, but he is visiting this weekend so let's hope Brands can change his mind. Iowa needs to shore up the upper weights but this class is not that strong or deep, especially in the upper weights. Storley is a nice wrestler, but he is a tweener. I think he will outgrow 174 and I don"t think he has the frame for 197. One kid who I think will be a good one that went elsewhere is Duke Pickett who is going to Cornell. He had lots of interest in Iowa and actually trained here for awhile while getting ready for Fargo. He is a bit of a late bloomer and still has to fill out, but I know the Iowa staff really liked him. Look for Iowa to be very active with the 2012 class especially since there is lots of talent instate.
I haven't posted for a little while so I thought I would offer a up a few thoughts. First off although this team is young and unproven there has been some huge improvement over the summer and preseason. I am usually a little guarded when it comes to expressing my thoughts on here, in fact many people think I am a glass half empty type of guy, but this team has a ton of potential. I know many opposing fans won't like what I have to say, but the Hawks are going to be right in the thick of things come March. First off I think we know what we have in MM, but guys like Nate Moore, DSJ and Lofthouse are going to be household names by the time NCAA's role around. Moore has never looked better, he has his weight under control, is 100% healthy and has really improved his setups and offense from his feet. He is extremely tough to score on and has developed some explosiveness from the bottom. DSJ is just special, I don't know how to explain it any other way. He just has an uncanny ability to come out on the right side of things. He really frustrates his opponents and really does a good job of constantly attacking an capitalizing on opponent's mistakes. Gambrall has put on some nice size over the summer as has the older Lofthouse.

One the recruiting side of things, I don't expect Iowa to make much of a splash this year. McCauley is a heavy lean to Wisconsin, but he is visiting this weekend so let's hope Brands can change his mind. Iowa needs to shore up the upper weights but this class is not that strong or deep, especially in the upper weights. Storley is a nice wrestler, but he is a tweener. I think he will outgrow 174 and I don"t think he has the frame for 197. One kid who I think will be a good one that went elsewhere is Duke Pickett who is going to Cornell. He had lots of interest in Iowa and actually trained here for awhile while getting ready for Fargo. He is a bit of a late bloomer and still has to fill out, but I know the Iowa staff really liked him. Look for Iowa to be very active with the 2012 class especially since there is lots of talent instate.

Alright. I don't know what pod you came to earth in but just return the real USAF to us and leave in peace.
USAF, reading this post has me so antsy for the season to start! The past couple of years have been great, what with the winning and the dominance and all, but something about going into a new season with a bunch of unknown (to me) kids in the starting lineup is so exciting. Don't get me wrong, I love the national championships, but let's face it: The only suspense in most of Iowa's dual meets last season was whether Metcalf would pin or tech-fall his opponent, and at which weight would the Hawks clinch the team victory. I'm looking forward to a season of surprises again!
Thanks USAF. Glad to hear that Gambrall and LL have added size. That was a criticism of LL last year that he wasn't strong enough for 197.

Definitely exciting to start a new season with so much unknown. Questions I have are how will 141 turn out, will Matt Ballweg challenge for 149, and how will Kerr fare bumping up 2 weight classes after sucking down to 157 last year? Excited for wrestle offs assuming they'll be broadcast again. That will be my first chance to see the Hawks live in action.
The question mark on Nate Moore has never been talent. So, to hear that his weight and devotion are where they should be means the world when talking about his potential. He didn't get the nickname joey jr. for no reason.

zhawk, I was thinking the exact same thing. I can't wait for a season where the chip is back on our shoulder and we're out to prove ourselves again.
My concern would be, are we turning guys who should be wrestling at lighter weights and beefing them up because we don't have a lot of depth in the higher weights. In my opinion Beatty was a bad experiment as he was always getting hurt. It could have been to just being bad luck, but maybe all the bulk added to it. I understand we didn't have any choice, I just hope it doesn't happen to LL this time. I thought he wrestled pretty well last year. Took a lot of shots and got in good position, just couldn't finish. Maybe it was a strength thing or maybe it was technique. Will be interesting to see how he turns out.
USAF, reading this post has me so antsy for the season to start! The past couple of years have been great, what with the winning and the dominance and all, but something about going into a new season with a bunch of unknown (to me) kids in the starting lineup is so exciting. Don't get me wrong, I love the national championships, but let's face it: The only suspense in most of Iowa's dual meets last season was whether Metcalf would pin or tech-fall his opponent, and at which weight would the Hawks clinch the team victory. I'm looking forward to a season of surprises again!

you have a great point about metcalf and im glad he is gone only for that reason. the anticipation for this year is going to be amazing! not knowing that we will win each dual will be exciting and should bring good crowds. so much is to say about the talents our young guys have now its just time to step up. i look for the team to struggle for a bit but squeak wins out then brands and co will have them firing on all cylinders come tourny time

When you get right down to it, last year was a bit boring. The only time CHA really roared last year was when Sanderson was put on his back.

I'm REALLY looking forward to this year's home schedule.

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