Some ESPN love


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AP Top 25: TCU, Nebraska, Iowa In Top 10 - ESPN Video - ESPN

They like either Iowa or Boise to challege Bama/OSU in the title game. However the discussion at the end of whether undefeated Iowa would be able to jump an undefeated Boise is just ridiculous. Just look at the schedules! Comparing VT, Oregon State and the WAC to OSU, Wisc, PSU and the rest of the B10...if we are undefeated, it will be no contest.
AP Top 25: TCU, Nebraska, Iowa In Top 10 - ESPN Video - ESPN

They like either Iowa or Boise to challege Bama/OSU in the title game. However the discussion at the end of whether undefeated Iowa would be able to jump an undefeated Boise is just ridiculous. Just look at the schedules! Comparing VT, Oregon State and the WAC to OSU, Wisc, PSU and the rest of the B10...if we are undefeated, it will be no contest.

Especially since I think that AZ>>>ORSt this year, you would have to say that a win against VT is better than 8-0 in the Big Ten.
AP Top 25: TCU, Nebraska, Iowa In Top 10 - ESPN Video - ESPN

They like either Iowa or Boise to challege Bama/OSU in the title game. However the discussion at the end of whether undefeated Iowa would be able to jump an undefeated Boise is just ridiculous. Just look at the schedules! Comparing VT, Oregon State and the WAC to OSU, Wisc, PSU and the rest of the B10...if we are undefeated, it will be no contest.

I would like to think this, but I'm not so sure. Boise St. is starting in the top 3 in the human polls. They didn't get any higher than 5th last year, and the computers had them at #6 at the end of the regular season. But say OSU were to lose to Miami (or anyone before they play us). That would put BSU at #2 in the human polls. If 'Bama were to also run the table, they would be guaranteed a spot in the title game. And if BSU were #2 in the human polls, I don't know if we would be able to jump them, even with an undefeated record. BSU would own wins against Oregon State (a good team that is a Pac-10 contender), and VT (a very good team). That's going to give their SOS a boost from last year, so you can bet that they would get higher than 6th in the computers too.

At this point, following back to back undefeated regular seasons and a BCS bowl win, Boise is getting a lot of respect from the pollsters now. Their schedule is not going to hold them back nearly as much this year as it did last year, because they are starting out the year as the next in line, should one of the top 2 fall.
it will all be forgotten when BSU loses its first game at VT.

And sure as s*it, if they win, the tune changes to "Well they had all offseason to prepare for that ONE game, they were way up for it because they don't play anyone in-conference."

It just gets really old. Let'em play for it all if they go unbeaten. They're either going to win and prove they deserve the opportunity in the first place, they can lose a close game (which will still give them the benefit of the doubt in the future), or they can get their as*es kicked, and we'll never have to put up with them again. I don't see the problem. Either way, we have no reason to complain.
If Iowa were to go undefeated, they would potentially beat a top ten Wiscy team and a top 5-10 OSU team at the end of the year while BSU is playing conference games. They would jump them in that case.
If Iowa were to go undefeated, they would potentially beat a top ten Wiscy team and a top 5-10 OSU team at the end of the year while BSU is playing conference games. They would jump them in that case.

A lot of it is going to depend on the human polls. They were #6 in the computers while playing only Oregon. That ranking will improve if they run the table this year (it still likely won't be top 2, but #4 or #5 is a fairly safe bet). The human polls don't usually have too many teams jumping each other at the top without someone losing. That may happen this year, but like I said, the pollsters seem to have come to giving Boise a lot of respect as it stands right now. Wins over VT and Oregon State are only going to strengthen their hold at the top, IMO.
Boise is NOT coming out of Va Tech with a Victory. They get rolled in early season East Coast road games.

That's a tendency for them after just ONE game? Georgia is the only team on the East Coast that BSU has played since 2002. Yes they got rolled. But I personally think this is a better BSU team than the 2005 version. And Virginia Tech is no 2005 Georgia, either. That team lost 3 games (including the Sugar Bowl) by a combined 8 points, and rolled LSU in the SEC title game.

One game does not make a trend.
That's a tendency for them after just ONE game? Georgia is the only team on the East Coast that BSU has played since 2002. Yes they got rolled. But I personally think this is a better BSU team than the 2005 version. And Virginia Tech is no 2005 Georgia, either. That team lost 3 games (including the Sugar Bowl) by a combined 8 points, and rolled LSU in the SEC title game.

One game does not make a trend.

I hope VT wins that game- cuz we all know they will lose down the road(it is VaTech tradition) Boise will prolly run the table- It is better for us if VaTech wins that game imo
I hope VT wins that game- cuz we all know they will lose down the road(it is VaTech tradition) Boise will prolly run the table- It is better for us if VaTech wins that game imo

I agree that it's better for us if Boise loses. I'm just saying that if they do run the table, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they beat out an undefeated Iowa for a spot in the championship game.
Ok say Boise does beat VT, Oregon St, wins the WAC, and Iowa goes undefeated. So what? Thats 2 credible games compared to Iowa's 5 bigtime Big10 wins, and a road win against an Arizona team that was one play away from winning the PAC10 last year. Wheres the argument here? Other than "style" points, I can't see how they'd pick Boise over Iowa. Hopefully this discussion is over in a couple weeks, because I hope VT waxes em!
And sure as s*it, if they win, the tune changes to "Well they had all offseason to prepare for that ONE game, they were way up for it because they don't play anyone in-conference."

It just gets really old. Let'em play for it all if they go unbeaten. They're either going to win and prove they deserve the opportunity in the first place, they can lose a close game (which will still give them the benefit of the doubt in the future), or they can get their as*es kicked, and we'll never have to put up with them again. I don't see the problem. Either way, we have no reason to complain.

Don't let 'em play for it all. You have to play real competition to play for the real championship. Essentially, your argument is that a team that beats VT and Oregon State to play for a national championship. Ridiculous. It is B.S. to force the team that SHOULD be in the National Championship game to grin a bear it while Boise State gets their shot. F that.
Don't let 'em play for it all. You have to play real competition to play for the real championship. Essentially, your argument is that a team that beats VT and Oregon State to play for a national championship. Ridiculous. It is B.S. to force the team that SHOULD be in the National Championship game to grin a bear it while Boise State gets their shot. F that.

If the BCS continually churns out your preferred result, and cites schedule strength as the reason, they could get into some hot water. The best team doesn't necessarily come from the best conference (see: Miami 2001, USC 2004, Texas 2005 as some recent examples). What your saying basically boils down to: they play in the wrong conference. If it's going to be a "National Championship", every team in FBS is eligible to play for it. But only those from the Big 6 seem to be able to play for the title. Boise will have done just about all they can do (with 5 season of success, including 2 BCS bowl wins and 3 undefeated regular seasons, and wins over VT and Oregon State this year) to prove they belong. If they continually get shut out after all that, I wouldn't be surprised to see either a lawsuit or Congress start getting involved. They can't help that their conference is bad. Eventually, someone is going to have to become a sacrificial lamb (from an AQ conference). It may be us, it may be another school. But eventually BSU is going to have to be allowed to play for the title and prove themselves one way or the other. And given where I think their poll positions are going to be, this is going to be the year (if they go 12-0).
I would like to think this, but I'm not so sure. Boise St. is starting in the top 3 in the human polls. They didn't get any higher than 5th last year, and the computers had them at #6 at the end of the regular season. But say OSU were to lose to Miami (or anyone before they play us). That would put BSU at #2 in the human polls. If 'Bama were to also run the table, they would be guaranteed a spot in the title game. And if BSU were #2 in the human polls, I don't know if we would be able to jump them, even with an undefeated record. BSU would own wins against Oregon State (a good team that is a Pac-10 contender), and VT (a very good team). That's going to give their SOS a boost from last year, so you can bet that they would get higher than 6th in the computers too.

At this point, following back to back undefeated regular seasons and a BCS bowl win, Boise is getting a lot of respect from the pollsters now. Their schedule is not going to hold them back nearly as much this year as it did last year, because they are starting out the year as the next in line, should one of the top 2 fall.

Agreed. I hate to say it but I don't see any way the Hawks will jump BSU if both are undefeated. I think we will be on the outside looking in.... maybe the uproar from crazed Hawk fans will be the straw that breaks the BCS camels back. I'll start the riots!

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