Sokol/Thoughts from the Big House

Like many of you I'm not buying this line that the next guy is not ready stuff. We should have seen Ruddock play at least once, if not several times in mop-up duty this year. If nothing else, we should have seen Wienke play some after he put 5 years into this program. You can't tell me he did not know the plays or this offense.

There are only two reasons in my mind that Ruddock has not seen the field.

1. Ruddock indicated early this season that he would be transferring at the end of this season (which he may now but I can't believe he said this earlier before the season was over)

2. KF does not want to risk the further embarrasment and tarnishment to his reputation by having Ruddock come in and have some success, however moderate. If Ruddock were to have any degreee of success that would make KF look like a total idiot for not going to him sooner when it has been apparent to all that the QB play has not been up to par (even though we all like JVB as a person).

The last time we heard this excuse about our back-up QB not being ready or up-to-par it was Stanzi. It took one series in the first game of 2008 for our fanbase to go wow,,,, this guy is better than JC and has something. Then KF still tried to go with JC until it was impossible (near revolt by the fans) to play Stanzi..... the rest was history and Stanzi had a real good run.

KF has a SERIOUS, SERIOUS issue with player evaluations in his program. Not only at QB, but there other areas where the wrong player is playing, making mistake after mistake, while the more talented player or player with more potential is riding the pines. Although we are down in some degree in overall talent or the talent is young in some cases KF does not put a premium on playing the best 22. He has handpicked favorites. This destroys the morale of the current team and hurts us dearly in recruiting because the word gets out on the street. It's used against us in recruiting.
I watched Rudock play several games his junior and senior years and his record was 28-1 with 69 TD's and 8 INT's against some of the toughest competition in the nation. He also carried a 4.3GPA and was great leader for the team. To say that Rudock is a mistake is normal for the front porch sitters who constantly say crap about things they no nothing about. I said two years ago and I will say it again, Rudock is the best QB on the team, but in KF system it doesn't matter. He will get his shot next year and Sokol will be the back up.
I watched Rudock play several games his junior and senior years and his record was 28-1 with 69 TD's and 8 INT's against some of the toughest competition in the nation. He also carried a 4.3GPA and was great leader for the team. To say that Rudock is a mistake is normal for the front porch sitters who constantly say crap about things they no nothing about. I said two years ago and I will say it again, Rudock is the best QB on the team, but in KF system it doesn't matter. He will get his shot next year and Sokol will be the back up.

If you are correct then this is absolutely idiotic to not give Ruddock some time in garbage situations.... this is all about wanting to play JVB regardless of performance/results and nothing about the other QB's on the roster.
Maybe if all of the Iowa players go into KF's office this week, put their jersey on his desk and say "I want Rudock to play in my place coach", then he'll get to play.
Good post. While Jake may have the tools, the issue is probably reps and practice time. We all saw what happened when JVB came in against nu in 2009. Given how confused JVB looks vis a vis his wr's routes, I suspect the problem would be amplified with a backup qb. I really am not loving Davis, but given the decimated line, maybe we need to give him a pass for now.

Give him a pass? I would like it if Davis would allow our offense to actually "pass".

And sorry, the OL argument applies to the running game, but the passing game?
so some of you are saying waste a whole year of playing for just one game to make you happy.
I will say this one more time Stanzi "NEVER" took a snap as a RSFR and did just fine, leading Iowa to a 9-4 record and Bowl Victory over Missouri and then took Iowa to a 11-2 RECORD and a OB victory over GT,
don't know what everybody is worked up about
so some of you are saying waste a whole year of playing for just one game to make you happy.
I will say this one more time Stanzi "NEVER" took a snap as a RSFR and did just fine, leading Iowa to a 9-4 record and Bowl Victory over Missouri and then took Iowa to a 11-2 RECORD and a OB victory over GT,
don't know what everybody is worked up about

How does letting Rudock get some game time waste a year? He has already redshirted.

What does Stanzi not playing as a RSFR have anything to do with the teams current slide? And for the record he took the team to an 11-2 record and then a 9-4 record the next season not the other way around.
Give him a pass? I would like it if Davis would allow our offense to actually "pass".

And sorry, the OL argument applies to the running game, but the passing game?

You're right, two guys in JVB's face almost every time he drops back has had nothing to do with the passing game.
I have to agree... I cannot possibly think of a reason why you wouldn't put Rudock in. If Sokol is the next QB then that is even more reason to me to put Rudock in so he can get some snaps in before he is passed over.

Not to knock Sokol, but it seems inconceivable to me that Rudock isn't even worth putting in the game. He's been on campus for almost 2 whole seasons now, and is very intelligent. Given that fact and his physical ability, for him to be so unprepared that KF won't even put him in at the end of late-season blowouts literally seems impossible.

Again, this isn't even to comment on a potential Sokol-Rudock controversy, I'm just saying I sincerely believe Ferentz is inexplicably leaving Vandenderp in the game for no valid reason.
You're right, two guys in JVB's face almost every time he drops back has had nothing to do with the passing game.

While that is true.... there are times when he has all day and still does nothing.

As an outsider, it appears that this doesnt have everything to due with JVB. It has to do with one of the worst WR groups in college football, average running game, averaged and injured oline, and a new system. Would be had for any qb to make plays with that offensive skill position talent.
For the life of me I cannot figure out why Ruddock, or even Weinke, has not gotten a single snap in any of these blow games in mop up duty. There is no reason for it. I can't imagine these players understand it either.
I would not be surprised to see Ruddock transfer as soon as the season is over. Finish his semester in school and he will join a team down south somewhere. To sit behind this display of quarterbacking and team this year and not see the field is mind blowing. I just don't get it, and don't think I ever will.
As a previous poster mentioned the QB moves the past 2 or 3 seasons make this even more strange. Derby jumps Weinke on depth chart and Weinke moves to short yardage punter (Odd), then Derby gets in a little trouble and he is moved to LB after actually seeing the field as backup QB. Then after Derby is moved to LB he transfers and Ruddock is listed as backup QB in his freshman season that no doubt was intended to be red shirted. What would have happened last year if Vandenberg was hurt, would Ruddock's red shirt have been wasted or would Wienke have moved back to QB from Punter??? Then after Ruddock's redshirt year another JUCO QB is brought into the program to be in Ruddock's class. The moves last year indicated Ruddock was next in line for the QB position. Now Sokol is in the program in Ruddock's class, only one of them can play, and that is sending the message that Ruddock is not good enough and they needed Sokol. I just don't get what is going on, and then for nobody but Vandy to see a snap this year in a 4-8 campaign is simply inexplicable, IMHO.
(You may begin your eye-rolling now.) I'm friendly with a guy who has been involved with the team on a daily basis through all of Hayden's years and the first half of the Ferentz era. He has remained involved but to a lesser extent for the last 5-6 years. He swears up and down Rudock is the best QB we have. The guy is older and maybe he's slipping a little but he is adamant the kids has what it takes. He sings his praises all of the time and attributes JV's playing time as Ferentz being loyal to a fault.
Weisman is not a avg RB he got over 600 yards in 4 games. Garmon is just a Freshman, who needs playing time, the RB's are not avg they have been riddled with injuries, as for the WR's, Davis was hurtfor the Michigan game and a true freshman started in his place, this OL has had 3 1st year starters to begin the season
RSSO Scheff out for the season with a ACL
4* RSSO Donall out because of a ACL
4* RSFR Blythe hurt off and on
4* RSFR Walsh got hurt after just 1 start
Tobin was moved from LG to LT
RSJR Bofelli just got his 1st start
this offense has been hurt so often they have to bring their Student ID card just to make sure their in the same school together..
no way can they function as a unit if they can't practice as one from week to week, everybody jumps KF and JVB,, tell you what just answer this simple question... how can they play at a high level for these games, when they can't even practice from week to week with the same group of players escpecially on the OL
I don't believe this crap about Rudock not ready or not Big 10 material either. Reasons:

1. What does that say about Weinke? Good enough to get scholarship from Michigan, didn't work out there, and now he isn't better than Rudock, so he punts. He must really suck as a QB.

2. What does that say about AJ Derby? Highly recruited. Last year's backup QB for a while, but thought Rudock was future (just like saying about Sokol now) so switched him to LB, and he ended up transferring to JC. Wow, he must have really sucked as QB too?

3. Rudock was QB for national championship high school team. Sure, not BoneG , but he couldn't have sucked that bad to play that well.

4. Sokol may very well be more game "ready" and more experienced, he should be with two years JC football. But if he is so good, why wasn't he playing Div I football??

All said and done.....QB controversy, not ready, psychologically damage him......whatever.......WOULD IT HAVE REALLY HURT TO PLAY HIM FOR FOUR FREAKIN MINS IN A BLOWOUT GAME!!!!

It is that simple. Ferentz is close minded, stubborn,.and loyal to a fault. Could it have hurt anyone to put Rudock in for at least one series? My God, even Mossbrocker got in the game, probably Johnny Mullings too.

This is exactly right. There is no way that both Weinke and Ruddock are worse than Vandenburg at this point. Its just not possible.

They don't even get an opportunity to go with the ones in practice because KF has made his decision on Vandeburg probably based on him being decent and sometimes even very good last year.

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