So Wrigley sucks for football to? Weird setup for NU/Illannoy game

Stupid. They couldn't determine that a football field wouldn't fit before the painted the grass, attached a goal post to the wall, and dug up the mound!?

Don't blame Wrigley, it's a baseball stadium.
All we need is a hundred yards right? Yeah thats sounds right. Done deal then lets play a football game at Wrigley.
I would be like arena football without the change. I saw the field last week and thought someone will get hurt.
They get all those smart kids together and they can't think their way out of a paper bag. Excellent. Way to go jNW.
This is so stupid. I understand wanting to play in a cool new location. Sure. But nobody could have measured the field to determine if it could fit a 120 yard field?! REALLY?! Really embarrassing, especially since the Bears play in the same city in an actual FOOTBALL FIELD that won't have been played on for 6 days at that point and won't have another game on it until 8 days after the fact. This is a travesty.
And folks, this is why we play football in football stadiums.

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So they are going to go towards the end of the field where the infield used to be. The sod they laid down over the infield is going to get a ton of action all day. I wonder what the field conditions will be like at the end of the game?
Someone is gonna slam into that wall. We all know that's coming. You don't tempt fate like this and get away with it.
The Bears played there until 1970, and from the pics I've seen they had the field going from the 1st base line to LF instead of how they have this set up from 3rd to RF.

RF is 5ft shorter than LF, not sure why they chose to do it like that.
I listened to a interview a few minutes ago from a very embarrassed NW AD Jim Phillips. He apologized to everyone for the snafu. He left little doubt that Zook and Fitz ,Ill,and NW were all ready and eager to go forward with the risky wall situation but then the Big Ten stepped in at the last moment and squashed it.

Now, of course, after the fact, Fitz and Phillips are talking about putting safety first,but do not let the lying SOB Fitz fool anyone...they were perfectly comfortable putting players at risk to help hype their program,sell more season tickets(which did happen,bigtime) and bring exposure to this game.

Delaney and the Big Ten however, were the adults in the picture and they had to consider a worst case scenario of a player going headfirst into a brick wall,and being paralyzed or killed. Remember the ND video tower fatality? The Big Ten wisely decided that to allow even a slight possibility of this happening would have brought the scorn of a nation down on the league and these two programs. Fitz and Zook were willing to gamble...and all the parents of future recruits for those programs should be made aware of their attitude.
Honestly, there was an original mistake, but I'm glad they changed it. Letting someone get killed running into that wall would have been a million times worse. Egg on the face is better than kid in the ground.
So they are going to go towards the end of the field where the infield used to be. The sod they laid down over the infield is going to get a ton of action all day. I wonder what the field conditions will be like at the end of the game?

This is a good point. That end of the field is going to get pretty chewed up.

Roger Bossard is going to have his hands full getting the field back into playing condition next spring.
I heard NW enjoyed not being blitz so much last week, they were pushing for linebackers can't blitz until counting to 10 Mississippi rule being applied to this game also.

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