So it's supposed to be 96 now on Saturday.


And none of that 2:30 shade like we got last weekend. No posts on this subject so far? No press releases from the University? Does anybody care anymore?
And none of that 2:30 shade like we got last weekend. No posts on this subject so far? No press releases from the University? Does anybody care anymore?

Shade? You must sit on the west side. The east side was in the sun for the entire game save that one awesome cloud that stopped by during halftime to give us a break! Even so, I'll be back on Saturday since we will win . . .right? :confused:
I'm just glad the heat is keeping my wife at home... let's get drunk and cheer on some Hawkeyes!!!
Same water allowances, the only change I am hearing is that the water will be back to $4 and not discounted to $2 like last week.
Same water allowances, the only change I am hearing is that the water will be back to $4 and not discounted to $2 like last week.

Oh good now the UI Athletic Dept can charge something like a 1600% markup for a precious need. I am planning on bringing in my two frozen bottles of 1 Liter bottles I pay a buck each for at Dahls in DSM.

Or I might just bring in a couple of empties and fill em up since the game will be over by main heat of the day.

Across Melrose south of the stadium were a couple of stands selling small bottles for $1 a piece.
We buy $1 ice cold water on Melrose for every home game. Well, maybe not the Nebraska game last year.
Tonight's forecast says 87 for game time. Of course, weathermen have it great. They can be wrong right up to the last minute and just revise their prediction.

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