So....How Good is Michigan?


Active Member
I watched them against Notre Dame but other than that I have not seen many of their games, are they still running hybrid spread to utilize Robinson? If so I'd like Norm to reach in the ole bag of tricks and break out the 3-4 we ran a couple of years ago, since we can't seem to get pressure with 4 we my as well get an extra guy in coverage and maybe throw a wrinkle at scUM that they may not be expecting. I know it's all doom and gloom around here but these are circumstances that we have seen KF coached teams respond well to in the past. I know this the team is gonna need Kinnick to be HOSTILE Saturday to win. GO HAWKS!!
I think the better question is which Iowa team is going to show up in this one? The one that has lost 5 straight road games? Or the team that has won 5 straight home games?
They're good not great. If we stop the run we should win because Robinson can't throw. That's a major if though. Their defense is better than it was last year and my opinion is that their defense is actually better than their offense. This would be a good win though.
It doesn't matter how other teams play. Iowa plays one way and one way only and if this defense does not change, Michigan will put 600 yards on Iowa and Iowa will roll over like a puppy. This defense is absolutely no good...we have little talent on defense.
It doesn't matter how other teams play. Iowa plays one way and one way only and if this defense does not change, Michigan will put 600 yards on Iowa and Iowa will roll over like a puppy. This defense is absolutely no good...we have little talent on defense.
Not at home my friend. Things change at Kinnick Stadium. Thank God this game is at home, or this game would likely be ugly.
Better than Iowa. I've become emotionally numb. I am just waiting for them to convert about 83% of 3rd downs, run wildly up and down the field and for Robinson to have a game that brings him back into the Heisman conversation.
I honestly think that D-Rob is a better passer than Gray or Taylor Martinez,which does worry me. Plus,Michigan has good receivers...Heminway is a *****.

Michigan is rated 13th in the country and have only lost a single game at MSU all year,so they are definitely the best team we have played all year,imo.

That said, we are 50% better in Kinnick so we have a shot. Go Hawks,Beat Big Blue!
I would say Michigan is going to overwhelm Iowa. I dont LIKE saying this, and I have another thread where I put some money on UM +40, but its just the cold hard truth.

Our Defense couldnt contain Jantz, a slower, less significant version of Robinson. Why on gods green earth should we expect anything better now? We havent "gotten better" like we usually do, as a matter of fact, I see disgusting similarities between this team now, and the team last year that "quit" in the words of our own players. What are they playing for? Ill tell you, they have one last hope and that is Purdue, which I dont think we will win either.

They have tremendous speed which our defense doesnt. Our best D player is Bernstein. If you think Hyde is a good CB, please watch his interceptions. He was beat in most, and the balls are underthrown. He catches them, yippee, but when you have a guy 10 yards behind you, because of their speed, its not going to make much of a difference. Nobody on Iowa, and I mean NOBODY is fast enough to keep up with DROB, and thats just one of their threats. Their WR have blazing speed as well as their RBs.

Just some perspective on how explosive their offense is... because some of you just arent accepting it.. they put up the most points allowed by ND this year, who also played USC, who if you didnt catch last week, came real close to beating #4 stanford.

Their Defense is I would say VERY underrated. In case some of you dont know this, they are ranked 6th in points against. We played PSU who is ranked 4th, and how did that turn out for us? Not pretty.

They also have a coach that knows the beginning of HIS legacy could be jumpstarted by ending KF's legacy. Destroy him, and the hawkeyes, and you have yourself not only a good recruiting tool (some coaches get it, star players wanna go to star schools that score points) but a solid foundation towards job security.

Do I want the Hawks to win? Of course, but the logical part of me sees no way we score more than 10 points, and no way we stop their offense.

UM - 61
UI - 9

Yards - UM 630+, UI 240
I would say Michigan is going to overwhelm Iowa. I dont LIKE saying this, and I have another thread where I put some money on UM +40, but its just the cold hard truth.

Our Defense couldnt contain Jantz, a slower, less significant version of Robinson. Why on gods green earth should we expect anything better now? We havent "gotten better" like we usually do, as a matter of fact, I see disgusting similarities between this team now, and the team last year that "quit" in the words of our own players. What are they playing for? Ill tell you, they have one last hope and that is Purdue, which I dont think we will win either.

They have tremendous speed which our defense doesnt. Our best D player is Bernstein. If you think Hyde is a good CB, please watch his interceptions. He was beat in most, and the balls are underthrown. He catches them, yippee, but when you have a guy 10 yards behind you, because of their speed, its not going to make much of a difference. Nobody on Iowa, and I mean NOBODY is fast enough to keep up with DROB, and thats just one of their threats. Their WR have blazing speed as well as their RBs.

Just some perspective on how explosive their offense is... because some of you just arent accepting it.. they put up the most points allowed by ND this year, who also played USC, who if you didnt catch last week, came real close to beating #4 stanford.

Their Defense is I would say VERY underrated. In case some of you dont know this, they are ranked 6th in points against. We played PSU who is ranked 4th, and how did that turn out for us? Not pretty.

They also have a coach that knows the beginning of HIS legacy could be jumpstarted by ending KF's legacy. Destroy him, and the hawkeyes, and you have yourself not only a good recruiting tool (some coaches get it, star players wanna go to star schools that score points) but a solid foundation towards job security.

Do I want the Hawks to win? Of course, but the logical part of me sees no way we score more than 10 points, and no way we stop their offense.

UM - 61
UI - 9

Yards - UM 630+, UI 240

Iowa has not been beaten by over 40 points in Kinnick in over 33 years,I suspect. I would bet you a million dollars they would not this saturday,if I wanted to go thru the whole escrow/attorney hassle.
This Saturday, NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Need to jam their WR's hard and I kind of like the idea someone else posted about a 3-4 front. Some good blitzes keep D-Rob guessing with alot of movement and different looks. AND FOR HEAVENS SAKE IF HE GETS OUT AND YOU GET A SHOT AT HIM, MAKE HIM THINK TWICE ABOUT DOING IT AGAIN.
On O, if they stack the box, we need our wr's and a frigging TE to catch the ball, if they dont, MC Call has to be about ready and him and Coker and our OL need to just pound the living crap out of them. Our D really needs to step up and not let our O down this week.
Not sure if we should blitz D-Rob...if he beats it,he can go to the house.
I would rather we make him beat us with the pass,and if he does run,be there at the line of scrimmage to meet him with harsh force. The last thing we can have is D-Rob running around the broken field...ouch.
Iowa has not been beaten by over 40 points in Kinnick in over 33 years,I suspect. I would bet you a million dollars they would not this saturday,if I wanted to go thru the whole escrow/attorney hassle.

OOOOOOOKIE DOKIE then. LOL. You dont HAVE to believe me, and maybe Ill be wrong, but I pointed out why they WOULD lose, and you point out they "havent in 33 years" good argument. IIRC, we had NEVER been to space (conspiracy aside) but now we have people up there all the time.. its bound to happen, like it or not.
Ok,here is my rationale. Michigan has only played two road games all year. At MSU,and at NW....they lost at MSU,and at NW they were pushed to the limit,trailing at halftime,and ended up winning by ten or so...Iowa beat NW by ten also.
So,by my math,Iowa will be underdogs,and could lose saturday,but by 40? Your ''evidence'' is that Iowa has bad players....great. I will stick by my prediction that Michigan will not beat Iowa by 42 as you predicted. If they do ,you can come back and collect your million....if not,I will look for payment from you...fine.

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