So did Marvin break the record?


Well-Known Member
I believe it was either for the most receptions in a season or career receptions. He was tied with Kasper in the game late and I totally forgot about it with the sky camera incident and my anger after realizing we wern't gonna come back. I sure hope he broke it, Marvin is in my top 5 favorite Hawks in the last decade.
Only way that would happen is if we were winning by several scores and I doubt that would happen then either.
ESPN showed a stat saying he was targeted 11 times. This was about mid way through the 4th. He dropped a pass he shoulda made and then also had the pick thrown his direction. I don't remember the other plays for him though.
McNutt had an NFL cornerback draped on his back all night. The Oklahoma cornerback was pretty physical too. Lots of pushing, holding - he was on him like a dirty shirt most of the night. McNutt got dinged early in the game - then nearly died when that cam came down. McNutt would have benefitted alot if we had a speed burner playing opposite him.
I think they were more concerned with trying to win the game..

He is your best player. Gotta have more plays to him whether it be short routes or long routes. No reason at all he shouldn't have not broken that record. I know he dropped one or two but you still go back to him more and more.
If he catches half the passes he dropped this year, the records his, easily.

If he drops half of the insane catches most receivers would never make he falls short too...

It goes both ways on that. He dropped some he probably should have had and he caught some no one expected him to.
Does Marvin really need or deserve that record?

Kasper had the record in 11 games. It took McNutt 13 games to tie it.
all i know is that kasper didn't have as many secondary or third options on the team so everyother pass was going his way. Mcnutt had some dropped passes but he made so many passes become completions that had no business even becoming completions this year he definately deserves it!
Marvin's production the last two games may cost him a few draft positions, fairly or unfairly.

Perhaps, but with some of his routes he appeared open to me, he just did not receive the ball timely or in some instances the pass was not delivered in the right spot. In the NFL the ball will be thrown with better timing and accuracy which will help. I know we all hope he has success at the next level.
I don't think his draft stock was ever as high as some of us would like to think. The scouts will evaluate him and the tape won't lie. He lacks top end speed, isn't a good route runner and doesn't posses great hands. I love the guy and all he did for Iowa just don't see him being a first day pick.
Thats the thing about McNutt though is he makes that catch that he shouldnt, but then drops one right to him. To me its just a lack of concentration and he can fix it easily. I'd say he goes somewhere around the 5th round.

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