No matter what the current record is, no one can deny the fact this team is making impressive strides..
I will believe when there is consistency established over the long haul. Too much hoopla too early ignores the massive work still needed to be a winner for the season and beyond. The celebrating, the kudos, should be handed out when its all done and over with."
If that's the case, then maybe some of you (you know who you are) should apply the same logic before posting the anti-Lick vitriol that seems to show up after every loss.
I don't think people should all of the sudden raise the flag of expectations for this team...otherwise you are doing them a disservice because you will then be disappointed and might have a snap back reaction.
They are challenged. They are not deep. But they are fighting and they dont quit and we can all appreciate that...and as long as they keep doing that the rest of the way they will have earned our respect and we can look forward to next year with some degree of optimism.
But don't crown them right now, as its not fair to them, IMO