Slowness of opening Up?


Well-Known Member

I am having a lot of trouble anytime I come to this web site as far of getting into the site and then opening up a thread. Are others having the same trouble or is it just my computers here at work and at home. It seems like after I click on the site or thread it my browser must work for 20 seconds before it opens up the site. Anything I can do to improve this, I am at the point I just don't want to come to your site. thanks.

I am having a lot of trouble anytime I come to this web site as far of getting into the site and then opening up a thread. Are others having the same trouble or is it just my computers here at work and at home. It seems like after I click on the site or thread it my browser must work for 20 seconds before it opens up the site. Anything I can do to improve this, I am at the point I just don't want to come to your site. thanks.

Same here. The site is definitely not as fast as it was before all the changes.. The front page likes to bog down a bit for me.
Have you guys tried purging your browser(-s) of cookies, cache, history, etc?
That often helps. Blow everything out of your browser's storage/memory, and then start fresh.
We had some hangups when we first made the move, but then had the forums optimized like we did before. The content loads before any ads. It might take a page 10 seconds to load, but the goal is for the content to load in the first second, which it has been doing for me every time, on every computer I have. I use chrome and computer is hard wired, one is wifi, and my iphone with safari and chrome both load the forums right away.

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