I am having a lot of trouble anytime I come to this web site as far of getting into the site and then opening up a thread. Are others having the same trouble or is it just my computers here at work and at home. It seems like after I click on the site or thread it my browser must work for 20 seconds before it opens up the site. Anything I can do to improve this, I am at the point I just don't want to come to your site. thanks.
I am having a lot of trouble anytime I come to this web site as far of getting into the site and then opening up a thread. Are others having the same trouble or is it just my computers here at work and at home. It seems like after I click on the site or thread it my browser must work for 20 seconds before it opens up the site. Anything I can do to improve this, I am at the point I just don't want to come to your site. thanks.