Site Issues, Email List


Obviously you know the board is back up if you’re reading this.

I’m not a tech guy for this site obviously, but I do know the issue was the same thing that happened a few months ago and it was something with the host server that took longer than it should have to get resolved.

Anyway, I hope all of you didn’t leave permanently. In regards to what happened and what the response should be, I’m an unpaid mod and I don’t get involved in that stuff. A number of you expressed interest in an email group in the event that something happened here like it did just recently, or also in the event that the site ever closed up so that folks here could keep in touch or be kept up to date in case of an outage.

If you chose, you can PM me your email address and I will save it externally in a list. If the site goes down I will use that to inform everyone of what’s going on. I will never use anyone’s email for any identifying information, and I will always use the BCC functionality in any emails I send out to keep it private from others. If you are concerned with privacy, create a new email address for free at gmail or what have you. I have zero interest in finding out who any of you are unless you share that information intentionally.

Are these issues something that could be a long term problem or something that could end up closing the site permanently?
Are these issues something that could be a long term problem or something that could end up closing the site permanently?
No. The gist of it is that the back end of HN is run by a separate entity (totally common) and it’s hosted by another different entity (also totally common), all in geographically different areas with no shared staff. And if any of you have ever had to deal with It support you know what a huge, trudgy pain in the ass it is to get anything fixed. Well, you have three layers here and because it’s a free, ad-based revenue board, there aren’t people diving in to fix shit within ten minutes like they have on Rivals-sponsored sites.

Im the only mod, so when something doesn’t work I have to email the consultant group running the site (they aren’t affiliated with HN and don’t monitor the site). He goes up the chain to the back end and hosting people until someone gets it fixed. Like a lot of things, these companies aren’t losing money when the site is down so they don’t get too fired up about it.

I know it sucks and it’s a bad look for the site, but it’s only been twice (granted they were in a small time frame) and I don’t think it’s anything that’s going to happen often. Once they got around to fixing it it was simple and quick. My main concern with getting shit going quickly is that the longer it goes, there are going to be people who don’t come back. That’s why I suggested the email thing.

FYI, I have no financial or material interest in HN whatsoever. I strictly like hanging out with all of you degenerates.
Feels like they are intentionally killing this forum. It sucks as this used to be the best Hawkeye forum around.
Obviously you know the board is back up if you’re reading this.

I’m not a tech guy for this site obviously, but I do know the issue was the same thing that happened a few months ago and it was something with the host server that took longer than it should have to get resolved.

Anyway, I hope all of you didn’t leave permanently. In regards to what happened and what the response should be, I’m an unpaid mod and I don’t get involved in that stuff. A number of you expressed interest in an email group in the event that something happened here like it did just recently, or also in the event that the site ever closed up so that folks here could keep in touch or be kept up to date in case of an outage.

If you chose, you can PM me your email address and I will save it externally in a list. If the site goes down I will use that to inform everyone of what’s going on. I will never use anyone’s email for any identifying information, and I will always use the BCC functionality in any emails I send out to keep it private from others. If you are concerned with privacy, create a new email address for free at gmail or what have you. I have zero interest in finding out who any of you are unless you share that information intentionally.

You do a fine job. Appreciate your work very much. Very familiar with IT struggles….no worries!
Thanks for the update, Fry. Although it’s frustrating when the site goes down, it’s not on my short list of major concerns. The best news is that you are confident that management has no interest in trashing the site. Again, thanks,
Obviously you know the board is back up if you’re reading this.

I’m not a tech guy for this site obviously, but I do know the issue was the same thing that happened a few months ago and it was something with the host server that took longer than it should have to get resolved.

Anyway, I hope all of you didn’t leave permanently. In regards to what happened and what the response should be, I’m an unpaid mod and I don’t get involved in that stuff. A number of you expressed interest in an email group in the event that something happened here like it did just recently, or also in the event that the site ever closed up so that folks here could keep in touch or be kept up to date in case of an outage.

If you chose, you can PM me your email address and I will save it externally in a list. If the site goes down I will use that to inform everyone of what’s going on. I will never use anyone’s email for any identifying information, and I will always use the BCC functionality in any emails I send out to keep it private from others. If you are concerned with privacy, create a new email address for free at gmail or what have you. I have zero interest in finding out who any of you are unless you share that information intentionally.

Whatever you do can you come up with a way to keep Okeefe4prez abreast of Hok news? He comes here 3-4 times a week to check on the latest scuttlebut involving Iowa’s highly competent and well-compensated OC or whether JBo is coming back for a 50th year. Difficult to do when the site is down.

Would really appreciate if you could look into that.


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