Since when is 1 loss, a total loss?


Well-Known Member
I have read many posts that say "this season is not a total loss". Since when in Iowa football has a one loss season been a total loss. Last year people were picking Iowa to win 8-9 games. They won 11. They lost a lot of good people off the team and they were then national title contenders. I personally picked Iowa at 9-3 (can't find thread to link). If Iowa can win 10 or 11, that would be another amazing season. If they win 9, it's still a pretty dang good season, and can win the 10th in a bowl game. Iowa isn't OU, USC, OSU etc. They don't reload every year. One loss to a good Arizona team, and the season is a total loss? Hardly!
Its the way they lost that bothers me because if they dont get the problems fixed, it could be a very diappointing season.
Great point hawkfarmer! I am not going to be OSU fan or Florida fan, and think the season is a bust if we don't win the NC. What a miserable way to go through a season. Last season was a 11-2, and was so enjoyable for me on so many levels. The year before was 9-4, and was a great season to be a Hawk fan in my opinion also. Can you imagine the last 2 years for OSU fan? Sure they win the Big10, but that isn't enough, it is never enough if they don't win the NC......what a miserable season that would make....
That's what I'm saying Dean. If you think the season is over cause we aren't going to win the NC, then quit watching. I'm going to watch and cheer through the B10 season and maybe we'll get a trip to Pasadena, or at least somewhere warmer than Iowa in January. Would I be disappointed if Iowa only wins 6 or 7, yes, but just because they lost 1 to Arizona, I'm not calling the season a loss.
I agree that this is not a totally lost season. For me though, I looked at this as one of the best chances I will ever see to have Iowa contend for a national title. I know it was a long shot to begin with, but what little hope there was for that one super special season died. At the end of the year, if Iowa is 9-3 or 10-2 and contending for a big ten title, I will be completely happy with the year, it was just the dying of the dream that hurt the most. ( Oh yeah, and the fact that it was a crappy game, missed opportunies and I didn't get to watch the beginning, middle, or a lot of the end thanks to ESPN and thuderstorms. :()

And yes, I still sigh a little every Thursday and Sunday when I check my powerball.
I agree that this is not a totally lost season. For me though, I looked at this as one of the best chances I will ever see to have Iowa contend for a national title. I know it was a long shot to begin with, but what little hope there was for that one super special season died. At the end of the year, if Iowa is 9-3 or 10-2 and contending for a big ten title, I will be completely happy with the year, it was just the dying of the dream that hurt the most. ( Oh yeah, and the fact that it was a crappy game, missed opportunies and I didn't get to watch the beginning, middle, or a lot of the end thanks to ESPN and thuderstorms. :()

And yes, I still sigh a little every Thursday and Sunday when I check my powerball.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think, even after a loss like this, that Iowa has turned the corner. I can see seasons with expectations like this year coming in the future. Next year should not be a fallout IMO. Without knowing if anyone leaves early and what not, I see no reason why the expectations should fall off any. I loved the schedule this year, and the schedule next year is just as good i think. Sure the past hasn't showed to many oppurtunities to put Iowa into the upper echelon of college football, but the future i think is riddled with it. Iowa is there whether you like it or not.
Great point hawkfarmer! I am not going to be OSU fan or Florida fan, and think the season is a bust if we don't win the NC. What a miserable way to go through a season. Last season was a 11-2, and was so enjoyable for me on so many levels. The year before was 9-4, and was a great season to be a Hawk fan in my opinion also. Can you imagine the last 2 years for OSU fan? Sure they win the Big10, but that isn't enough, it is never enough if they don't win the NC......what a miserable season that would make....
Most OSU fans aren't NC or bust every year, that's the free board posting crowd. Last year was very satisfying winning the Rose Bowl and a 5th straight B10 title.
I think the reaction to the loss being a total loss is great it means we are raising our standards and the fanbase is going to the next level of expectations along with the team.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think, even after a loss like this, that Iowa has turned the corner. I can see seasons with expectations like this year coming in the future. Next year should not be a fallout IMO. Without knowing if anyone leaves early and what not, I see no reason why the expectations should fall off any. I loved the schedule this year, and the schedule next year is just as good i think. Sure the past hasn't showed to many oppurtunities to put Iowa into the upper echelon of college football, but the future i think is riddled with it. Iowa is there whether you like it or not.

I would be perfectly OK with that dream being shattered every year, because you are right, that means that we have those opportunities every year that if the ball bounces the right way then who know what can happen.

And I like it.
I think the reaction to the loss being a total loss is great it means we are raising our standards and the fanbase is going to the next level of expectations along with the team.

I tend to agree with this.. Some people go WAY overboard after a loss, and that's not good, but the way we all feel now after even a single loss speaks volumes to me about how far our football program has come in the past decade or so.

Just contrast that to the way people are with the basketball program right now when it comes to losing.. Most people are simply apathetic about it.

That said, I am not subscribing to the "total loss" attitude, because this can still be a terrific season. If we're playing in January, I'll take that every year.
This is crazy and has about a 0.01% chance of happening.

I know that recent history has not led to much in the way of 1 loss NC contenders, but if Arizona ends up being some form of Monster the rest of the Year and WE start destroying the rest of our opponents we could still be in the picture. IF the others also start to lose in front of us. VERY UNLIKELY THOUGH.

It is more likely that Arizona does very good with us taking out the rest of the Big Ten and we meet again in the Rose Bowl.
What fans don't always consider is that early losses are typically better than late losses.

What would have happened if Iowa didn't make all the errors and possibly goes on to defeat Arizona by 10 to 14 points? The fans definitely would have been quite a bit more excited. However, would the team have been able to continue playing at such a high level as the ungodly high expectations mounted? Maybe. However, if the team did end up buckling late in the season ... it would have hurt the team MORE in terms of national perception.

The early season loss has the potential of being long forgotten if Iowa can close the season strong. Furthermore, the burden of expectation is now far different. I'd argue that it's far more managable now.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think, even after a loss like this, that Iowa has turned the corner. I can see seasons with expectations like this year coming in the future. Next year should not be a fallout IMO. Without knowing if anyone leaves early and what not, I see no reason why the expectations should fall off any. I loved the schedule this year, and the schedule next year is just as good i think. Sure the past hasn't showed to many oppurtunities to put Iowa into the upper echelon of college football, but the future i think is riddled with it. Iowa is there whether you like it or not.

Next year is going to be tough...Iowa loses a lot of starters, plus Nebraska will be added to the schedule.

Still....there are some good recruits coming in and the future continues to look bright.
I think that all of the people going way overboard about one loss just built up their expectations for this season too much. A national championship was a far reach considering the holes to fill on the offensive line and lack of a really good running back. With an above average offensive line you need a great back if you expect to compete for a national title. I like Robinson, he does a good job given the tools he has, but he's not a great back. However, it's certainly not a reach to consider a Big Ten title with the favorable home schedule.
I take a lot of solice in the fact that we were able to come back after being down by so much. Stanzi did a good job bringing the team back. The defense played well, kept us in it, and almost gave us the win.

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