Simmons, what a POS

I was completely respectful with you until you decided to accuse me of condoning domestic assault. Stupid statements get stupid responses.

Now hopefully Rob comes in and nukes this useless thread.

You seemed to treat it flippantly--that's why I advanced through the ROE. Delete the evidence? You would like that.
Since you seem to enjoy being a stupid dick, I'll screencap this thread just for you so you can beat off to your internet win later.

Believe it or not, there are issues more important than winning an internet debate. That's why I engaged. Goodnight to you Sir.
at the end of the day all the NFL cares about are ratings and winning football games. this has been proven over and over and over and over and over and over again.

If you don't understand that you shouldn't watch. We are all culpable
at the end of the day all the NFL cares about are ratings and winning football games. this has been proven over and over and over and over and over and over again.

If you don't understand that you shouldn't watch. We are all culpable
That's heavy man.
Yeah no biggy BVHawk. And not like it's a rampant problem in the NFL. Should've just glossed over it and shown his 6th grade picture---Momma's little guy. Wait, were you in the crowd cheering? I imagine if that were your sister or mother, you wouldn't dismiss it so flippantly. But...he's really good at tackling people--life skill numero uno.

I think you're missing the point Hawkleberry. Nobody is dismissing or accepting his behavior as OK (despite your attempts to spin it that way). It's just pretty unusual for them to do an extended thing like that including the video on draft night.
Miss St had all those NFL first round defensive players drafted and they still couldn't beat us in the Outback Bowl
Honestly it makes our performance more impressive. The run game was atrocious, sure, but when 3 members of that defense are 1st rounders, including 2 athletic freaks on the DL, it's almost understandable.
Im just saying that the NFL ratings and profits are massive. As long as it stays that way nothing will change.

I say all this as a directv sunday ticket addict. I am equally to blame.
Don't be too hard on yourself, you are a very small player in the decay of moral fabric game.

If I boycotted everyone ,with less than stellar standards, that entertains me, I would spend lonely days with my head in a bucket.

Got to run, Springer is on, cheers
My understanding, don't know if it's true or not, but the woman who got pummelled had attacked Simmons' mother and sister and had done it on previous occasions. If true, then it does explain it somewhat. If you attack my mom, wife, sister, etc.....woman or should be prepared to have your ass beat.

That is all.
Where is that neighborhood...I'm scratching it from my search criteria? My god, all the little kids right in the mix of all of it. Rico, really, a 6'5" 300 pound athlete is ok to beat the crap out of a woman. There's no reason for him to hit a woman. Protect yours, but you don't go on the offensive...which he did. If he had pushed her away and to the protecting someone. He's whaling...that is crossing the line.

Not exactly the display you want to show young male children. It's part of the problem. I have no doubt they look up to him.
I don't condone his behavior. However. The chick attacked his family and wouldn't stop. It took all he could to pull them apart and still wasn't that successful. It's hard to say just how any of us would act if someone went at our family like that. I know I wouldn't be giving hugs if it were a guy. He also lives in a culture that tends to have more aggressive women. I'm not here to judge, or analyze to any more depth because like everyone else that seems to have an opinion. I WASN"T THERE. The problem with the internet is everyone is an expert and no one really has any idea the situation.

Long story short. stop being a loud Dbag.
Honestly, it makes me appreciate Kirk and the types of guys he tries to recruit as well as the accountability he manages for player behavior. We don't have all saints, I'm not naive, but we generally have pretty high character guys, and that starts with Kirk making it a priority.
My understanding, don't know if it's true or not, but the woman who got pummelled had attacked Simmons' mother and sister and had done it on previous occasions. If true, then it does explain it somewhat. If you attack my mom, wife, sister, etc.....woman or should be prepared to have your ass beat.

That is all.

Is this the truth or do we just have all kinds of people speculating because you know the video is the only thing that matters in this case? Someone, anyone beats on your mom no matter what the sex, what are you gonna do if that is true?????? Sit and smile?
Honestly it makes our performance more impressive. The run game was atrocious, sure, but when 3 members of that defense are 1st rounders, including 2 athletic freaks on the DL, it's almost understandable.
Stop and think about it for a second.... Five first rounders in the Outback Bowl.