Silence: A New Kinnick Tradition

I gladly boo all of the Big Ten teams and rivals like Iowa State, but I'm not going to boo a school like Eastern Illinois. I can't drum up the emotion to dislike them. I'm basically ambivalent about them...
I gladly boo all of the Big Ten teams and rivals like Iowa State, but I'm not going to boo a school like Eastern Illinois. I can't drum up the emotion to dislike them. I'm basically ambivalent about them...

This. I also didn't like it when fans booed UNI last year. I mean come on, it's UNI, they've actually probably got the biggest fan base in the state, as a lot of Iowa and Iowa State fans also root for UNI. And I like to see them do well. And they aren't really a rival, they're just an in-state school.
It would be pretty cool if we could use some form of choreography when the visiting team comes out. Some kind of arm pumping and maybe shouting 'lose' over and over again. Watching Utah State do their chant gives me chills. That could be very intimidating for a visiting team.

[ame=]YouTube - "Winning Team, Losing Team" Chant Against Nevada - Utah State Basketball[/ame]
I booed when AZ took the field last year and some blue hair in front of me turned around and gave me a nasty look. She and her ol' man sat on their hands the whole game. This is football gramma, watch it on t.v.

Wait, was she knitting and her hubby reading a book the whole game? ;)
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(link from previous HN post removed. Here's official vido [ame=]YouTube - Men Without Hats - Safety Dance [Official Video][/ame])
I yell til my voice gives out for the Hawks when they come out...and then I proceed to boo when the opponent comes out. I have yet in 28 years to not lose my voice before the game even technically starts. It will always be that way...sorry.
I have tremendous respect for Kirk Ferentz; it seems that he is universally lauded by opponents and media and fanbases, including ourown, as "being a class act." This high praise is also often directed toward Penn State fans as hosts for opposing fan bases.

It pained me last January when our fans chose to boo Ga Tech when they were recognized after their loss to us in the Orange Bowl.

Jared Clauss has been there as a player; I have not. When he says that silence is more powerful, I defer to his experience and perspective.

Call it dumb if you wish. I would prefer for us to follow our head coach's example of classiness and then scream our lungs out for the Hawks.

PS--In the north endzone, we never sit down or shut up while the opponent has the ball.

That is all. For now.
In highschool, for every home BB game (boys or girls), it was a tradition for Hampton kids (fans) to bring newspapers or magazines to the games. We'd hold them up like we were reading them when the opposite team was introduced, then throw them into the air as they began announcing the home team starting lineuup.

Ahh the ol' newspaper gag for basketball games. A timeless classic.:) But, you won't win the sportsmanship award at the state tournament. Who cares? Exactly.

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