Silence: A New Kinnick Tradition

Really, silence is more deafening than raucous noise, at least when you aren't expecting it. I mean they can hear the crowd when the Hawks come onto the field. Go from that to dead silence? I don't know how to describe it, other than that it feels like when you dive into deep water and the pressure just keeps weighing on your ear drums more and more with each foot of depth.
good luck with that. cant get my 2 kids to be quiet for the 30 seconds it would take to go onto the field, let alone 75k+ boozed up fans
I don't want Kinnick to ever be silent.

Excepting when our offense is taking the snap and if a player were to seriously get hurt.

Otherwise, scream your lungs out.
good luck with that. cant get my 2 kids to be quiet for the 30 seconds it would take to go onto the field, let alone 75k+ boozed up fans

FYI - Kinnick's capacity is just north of 70k. If you went to a game sometime instead of being a tavernhawk you'd know that.

Just kidding - had to see how doosh-tastic it felt to throw out the tavernhawk "insult."
FYI - Kinnick's capacity is just north of 70k. If you went to a game sometime instead of being a tavernhawk you'd know that.

Just kidding - had to see how doosh-tastic it felt to throw out the tavernhawk "insult."

I almost didn't see your disclaimer, and was about to drop the STFU bomb on you haha. Well played sir.
I booed when AZ took the field last year and some blue hair in front of me turned around and gave me a nasty look. She and her ol' man sat on their hands the whole game. This is football gramma, watch it on t.v.
I booed when AZ took the field last year and some blue hair in front of me turned around and gave me a nasty look. She and her ol' man sat on their hands the whole game. This is football gramma, watch it on t.v.

ahhh were you sitting in what i like to call "death valley" stands opposite the press box. bout 50 yard line south to the 30yd line... all old people all dead silent.
ahhh were you sitting in what i like to call "death valley" stands opposite the press box. bout 50 yard line south to the 30yd line... all old people all dead silent.

Yeah, somewhere over there. Looking for people to hi-five, just left hangin' the whole game.:(
Yep, I sat in the dead zone for ASTATE. I got the tickets for free, thought they were great seats until the game started. Freaking horrible experience. The only person High-Fiving was a very flamboyant gay guy who was doing high school cheers and very interested in being noticed. The rest of the section was on life support. I actually got dirty looks when I tried to make noise during ASTATE's final drive, which would have won the game.

I would rather sit in the top row of the corner of the end zone than that hell hole.
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we're forgetting about the few thousand fans most visiting teams bring to kinnick on Saturdays.

I hope you are kidding but I have a feeling that you are not. I'm guessing you have missed the "we own Kinnick" chants that Michigan fans like to resort to when on the winning end. Please, it's a football game and they should and do expect it when it our house. I remember when I was in school and Wisconsin fans would sit in our student section and mock us when we were horrible only to get pelted by nachos, full drinks, and whatever else.
Don't like it. Silence can also be conveyed as respect or awe. Are you really in awe of opponents when they come to Kinnick? I know I'm not.
In highschool, for every home BB game (boys or girls), it was a tradition for Hampton kids (fans) to bring newspapers or magazines to the games. We'd hold them up like we were reading them when the opposite team was introduced, then throw them into the air as they began announcing the home team starting lineuup.
It wont work when opponents bring a bigger than normal group of fans.

ISU comes to mind. There will be 4-5K of them and their band will be present as well. Sometimes WIscy brings their band as well.

Isn't the Wisky band still in Siberia toiling away in a mine after having too much fun? Or was that just that they could not play at Camp Randall....
Come on people, what do you think they do when we visit Ann Arbor, Columbus, East Lansing, West Lafayette, etc. etc.


Boo the hell out of them at Kinnick. As loud as you can. Boo them. Boo. Let them feel our contempt - boo!!!!

If you are silent, then they will only hear the cheering of their traveling fans.


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