
Let’s remember here that Mark Emmert is the one we have to thank for this.

You know, the guy whose yearly salary at a “non-profit” was $2.845 million, and whose severance package from a “non-profit” was $4.3 million dollars.

Mark Emmert, the guy who made millions every year from a “non-profit” but threatened kids with (and followed through with) ending the sports careers of any student athlete who signed an autograph or accepted even one single penny while enrolled in college and playing sports.

It’s true that this has made college sports much less fun for fans. But this is not the fault of the student athletes or the schools or the collectives. It’s the Mark Emmerts who should pay for this.

Go get your 7 mil, young man…then drive by Emmert’s house in your Lambo (admittedly a terrible thing to purchase, btw), and drop a deuce on his front lawn.
And who's footing the bill for collectives right now? BYU didn't pay a cent for this kid.

NCAA F'd it up and handed if off. And the House case it not a given. States have laws against limiting NIL, which is what the NCAA (member schools) is trying to do in the deal. Good luck with that.

I would not give to a collective when schools like UI are raking in money with TV deals, tickets, etc. and paying ridiculous salaries in the athletic department.
All I can say is people mad at the state of affairs and blaming the athletes as greedy, blaming the collectives, blaming the donors, blaming the schools...go piss up a rope. It's the NCAA that caused this. 100%. Not even a billionth of a percent of this "problem" has to do with any other organization other than the NCAA.
Let’s remember here that Mark Emmert is the one we have to thank for this.

You know, the guy whose yearly salary at a “non-profit” was $2.845 million, and whose severance package from a “non-profit” was $4.3 million dollars.

Mark Emmert, the guy who made millions every year from a “non-profit” but threatened kids with (and followed through with) ending the sports careers of any student athlete who signed an autograph or accepted even one single penny while enrolled in college and playing sports.

It’s true that this has made college sports much less fun for fans. But this is not the fault of the student athletes or the schools or the collectives. It’s the Mark Emmerts who should pay for this.

Go get your 7 mil, young man…then drive by Emmert’s house in your Lambo (admittedly a terrible thing to purchase, btw), and drop a deuce on his front lawn.

Filthy Bastard needs to be drawn and quartered

During halftime at the Super Bowl

Agree with pretty much everything that has been said.

There's no doubt that the NCAA could have and should have used some foresight to get out in front of this. That said, I think this situation was inevitable regardless of what the NCAA would have done. At some point, an attorney would have been retained to fight any imposed restrictions on NIL and a precedent would have been set.

Perhaps some of the lawyers on the site can chime in, but, the way I see it is that there is only one way legally to get control, and that is to come up with a system similar to what we see in the NFL. Pretty much anything else will be challengeable from an anti-trust standpoint.

Negotiated fee-for-service contracts, probably for 2-3 years, with opt-out options after that, with built-in performance incentives and various metrics to be met, and likely restrictive covenants (i.e., transferring within conferences, etc.). Implementation likely would require setting up collective bargaining and a centralized corporation/league (e.g., NFL) that would negotiate with player reps and oversee cap allotments and contracts.

There are numerous hurdles, especially where the money comes from. Donations for NIL (collectives) would have to be eliminated. It would be a painful transition, but at least we would eliminate the current "Wild West" system we are dealing with right now.
Pay him 7 mil so he can opt out of playing in the NCAA tournament next March to get ready for the NBA.

Anyone have a problem with this...

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Yeah these policies are making a mockery of collegiate sports

I can't watch the NBA anymore, haven't for years

Used to watch Golden State in the playoffs when Seth Curry and Klay Thompson
were in their prime

Now it is just a package of HotDogs showboating all game long
There is no going back on NIL and the transfer options. The conferences and universities can set the rules for participation, but they won't. The dollars are too great for the universities to institute more stringent academic achievement levels. I'm sure some of the older audience here, remember the days after semester test concluded to see who would be eligible to play basketball the second semester. We probably can remember that freshmen were not eligible to participate. All I am saying is that 50 years ago AJ Dybantsa would not be suiting up as a freshman in the 70's. It may seem strange to those in their twenties, but many universities disqualified players until they made up academic deficiencies.
BYU just spent $7,000,000 in NIL to buy a 17 year old 5* basketball player. He committed. Duh.


Do you have a legitimate source or link to this story? Doesn’t sound like something the LDS church would engage in. BYU is owned, operated, and directed by the LDS church.

if it is true and the LDS church is opening this can of worms then they will without any doubt have the funds to buy any championship team in any and every sport.

Their cash assets are estimated from inside sources at over 250 BILLION dollars and total assets estimated between one and two TRILLION dollars. Seven milllion is chump change to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I am assuming that one of any of the hundreds of LDS millionaires and possibly one or two of a few LDS billionaires could have fronted this money as it is highly unlikely the LDS church itself would get into this type of thing with church donations. The Huntsman’s could front seven million and not even notice it missing from their bank account.
BYU just spent $7,000,000 in NIL to buy a 17 year old 5* basketball player. He committed. Duh.

Nevermind Huck I just stubbled upon an article about this. It also mentions the seven million dollar estimate.

I seems crazy that he would choose BYU over other prominent schools. When is the last time BYU did anything in college basketball.

I seen the lady hawks handled them pretty easily.