Should Ferentz have returned to Iowa City?

What has Doyle, Forde, Rittenburg or any of the national writers gotten wrong? All the info that has been reported upon is accurate unless you have some story that nobody has seen. Our "twitter" world - IS THE WORLD we live in. Join us.

It isn't the facts that are being reported that we have a problem with. The problem is, specificallly with Doyel, he takes the facts(13 players go to the hospital) and then comes on your show and makes statements the day after it happened like "I would not send my kid there if I was a parent". He also stated that multiple individuals need to be fired over this the day after it happened without really knowing anything other than 13 players went to the hospital.
again, did ALL 13 players go the hospital with this kidney issue? I think this is a HUGE factor in what went on and could explain quite a bit.
What has Doyle, Forde, Rittenburg or any of the national writers gotten wrong? All the info that has been reported upon is accurate unless you have some story that nobody has seen. Our "twitter" world - IS THE WORLD we live in. Join us.

The world we live in is one where most journalist don't speculate on topics like this. You don't get it because all you see is the dollar signs. Just man up and say the truth.......We want ratings and we will do whatever we have to do to get them........See you in hell.
were ALL 13 players treated for the same thing????

WHAT or two players had more serious kidney issue, the rest had similar symptoms but were simply admitted because of dehydration. KF knowing that, might have been told that the players were all "okay", and deemed in unnecessary to return.

too many unanswered questions.

I have been shouting this from the rooftops since the story broke. No one gives a ****.
If even one parent or legal guardian wanted him to come back to Iowa City, and talk to them face to face, and they wanted him to be back on Tuesday, he should have been back. When he recruited the players who were in the hospital, he made a promise to their parents/guardians that he would take care of them. Obviously, when 13 of them end up in the hospital due to football related injuries, he's got some explaining to do. If he could do that over the phone, and assure them he was going to get to the bottom of things, and if that was okay for parents, then fine. If not, then he needed to get back to Iowa City and do it in person. As far as I understand, the recruits he was talking to on Monday and Tuesday were for the 2012 class, so that's another year down the road, no?

However, he didn't need to come back for the sake media or the fans or the general public.
Do you really think people would have busted him for not landing those 4 or 5 re cruits? Who knows, there are a lot of rabid fans out there, but I have to believe that the recruit and more importantly the recruit's parents would have looked favorably on the act of returning immediately. It could have been their son in the hospital.

I agree...I think the recruits (and especially their parents) who he would have missed an in home meeting with Ferentz would have understood with the current circumstances and hopefully would have respected him for making that decision. I also think Barta should have for sure returned. With this type of issue you need to put your most powerful people out front and if Barth armed with worst case a statement from Ferentz (while on the road) could have handled the news conference that would have gone over much better. In this type of a situation all focus should have been paid to the families and athletes that are in the hospital and keeping them as the A1 focus. And in the news conference confirming that once the root cause reasons were found that all efforts would be made to prevent it from occuring again. I think a very proactive response and drive would have not silenced everyone...but most of the criticism before it even began. In this case the lack of quick response with a hard push for resolution hurt us. First off lets hope they are all released soon and that they find the cause of the issue and that this never occurs again. Lets also hope that they all remain Hawkeyes and no negative impacts occur because of what has happened....most likely it is already too late and we may see reprocussions from this.

Hang in there Hawks!
It isn't the facts that are being reported that we have a problem with. The problem is, specificallly with Doyel, he takes the facts(13 players go to the hospital) and then comes on your show and makes statements the day after it happened like "I would not send my kid there if I was a parent". He also stated that multiple individuals need to be fired over this the day after it happened without really knowing anything other than 13 players went to the hospital.

Well Put EddyP....tell the facts in your news articles and message boards that is fine. It is the speculation and hard core reactions and statements based on the lack of hard evidence and information at this time that is very sad!

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