Should Ferentz have returned to Iowa City?


Well-Known Member
Many, on this board and in the media, are unjustly blasting Ferentz for staying on the recruiting trail instead of returning to Iowa City. But none that I've read have bothered to apply the least bit of logic to this issue. So I will.

When players get hurt during a game, seriously enough to be carted off the field and taken to the hospital for examination and treatment, does the head coach go with the injured player to the hospital? NEVER. The team's medical personnel accompany the player because that's their job. The head coach continues to do his job, which is to coach.

So how is this case more compelling than an in-game injury? Because it was 13 players? Really? Eighty-seven other players did the same workout without a problem. Ferentz still isn't a doctor. The players were in the hospital receiving the best care available. So why, exactly, should Ferentz have stopped coaching (recruiting) to return to Iowa City where he would be useless?

He called the parents. He called the players. He did what he should have done...with the probably exception of playing the PR game by offering a Skype video that the media could have used to make themselves feel better.

After the investigation into this medical case is completed, it will likely find a simple fact: players who do not work out over breaks may not be able to handle this level of workout. So the remedy is simple too: Wait a couple weeks before you have the kids do this one. Make sure everyone is physically ready to handle it. No big deal.

So I know it's not entertaining, but how about being honest, being accurate and being fair?
Many, on this board and in the media, are unjustly blasting Ferentz for staying on the recruiting trail instead of returning to Iowa City. But none that I've read have bothered to apply the least bit of logic to this issue. So I will.

When players get hurt during a game, seriously enough to be carted off the field and taken to the hospital for examination and treatment, does the head coach go with the injured player to the hospital? NEVER. The team's medical personnel accompany the player because that's their job. The head coach continues to do his job, which is to coach.

So how is this case more compelling than an in-game injury? Because it was 13 players? Really? Eighty-seven other players did the same workout without a problem. Ferentz still isn't a doctor. The players were in the hospital receiving the best care available. So why, exactly, should Ferentz have stopped coaching (recruiting) to return to Iowa City where he would be useless?

He called the parents. He called the players. He did what he should have done...with the probably exception of playing the PR game by offering a Skype video that the media could have used to make themselves feel better.

After the investigation into this medical case is completed, it will likely find a simple fact: players who do not work out over breaks may not be able to handle this level of workout. So the remedy is simple too: Wait a couple weeks before you have the kids do this one. Make sure everyone is physically ready to handle it. No big deal.

So I know it's not entertaining, but how about being honest, being accurate and being fair?

Wow. That is stunning.
Many, on this board and in the media, are unjustly blasting Ferentz for staying on the recruiting trail instead of returning to Iowa City. But none that I've read have bothered to apply the least bit of logic to this issue. So I will.

When players get hurt during a game, seriously enough to be carted off the field and taken to the hospital for examination and treatment, does the head coach go with the injured player to the hospital? NEVER. The team's medical personnel accompany the player because that's their job. The head coach continues to do his job, which is to coach.

So how is this case more compelling than an in-game injury? Because it was 13 players? Really? Eighty-seven other players did the same workout without a problem. Ferentz still isn't a doctor. The players were in the hospital receiving the best care available. So why, exactly, should Ferentz have stopped coaching (recruiting) to return to Iowa City where he would be useless?

He called the parents. He called the players. He did what he should have done...with the probably exception of playing the PR game by offering a Skype video that the media could have used to make themselves feel better.

After the investigation into this medical case is completed, it will likely find a simple fact: players who do not work out over breaks may not be able to handle this level of workout. So the remedy is simple too: Wait a couple weeks before you have the kids do this one. Make sure everyone is physically ready to handle it. No big deal.

So I know it's not entertaining, but how about being honest, being accurate and being fair?

That's a good point. Well said.
Yes. Kirk should have either returned to Iowa City or issued a statement and told Barta not to have a presser yet...especially if GB wasn't going to be there.
The way you handle it is issue a statement Monday that Ferentz was in close contact with players and families, facts were still be gathered, and a press conference would be held Tuesday.

This would've neutered much of the vitriol.

Meanwhile I was ASTOUNDED that even in the presser they held, the university never mentioned Ferentz was in contact with players and families, until Biff Poggi brought it up. And to hold one at all with no Barta OR Ferentz OR Doyle? Unless he was overruled on the plan, Phil Haddy needs to make a graceful exit because this was botched beyond belief.
the thing that kills me is this: if kirk comes back and misses out on these last 4 or 5 recruits then everyone is on his *** about not being able to land so and so...
if he stays on the road then hes a whipping boy because "he doesnt care"
its a lose/lose situation in my opinion.
i understand why people say he should have been there, and i agree to an extent. but like the OP said, so if he comes back he's just there for moral support and to make the media feel better.
all in all its just not a good situation no matter what he did.
the thing that kills me is this: if kirk comes back and misses out on these last 4 or 5 recruits then everyone is on his *** about not being able to land so and so...
if he stays on the road then hes a whipping boy because "he doesnt care"
its a lose/lose situation in my opinion.
i understand why people say he should have been there, and i agree to an extent. but like the OP said, so if he comes back he's just there for moral support and to make the media feel better.
all in all its just not a good situation no matter what he did.

Do you really think people would have busted him for not landing those 4 or 5 re cruits? Who knows, there are a lot of rabid fans out there, but I have to believe that the recruit and more importantly the recruit's parents would have looked favorably on the act of returning immediately. It could have been their son in the hospital.
i understand that, and im not saying youre wrong. im just saying, if kirk comes back what good does that do aside from the fact that he's now in iowa, still not able to help the situation other than saying that he was there.

im not saying he was right or wrong.
what i am saying is the media is a large part of whats wrong. they blow everything way out of proportion.
that being said. im not down playing what happened
The way you handle it is issue a statement Monday that Ferentz was in close contact with players and families, facts were still be gathered, and a press conference would be held Tuesday.

This would've neutered much of the vitriol.

Meanwhile I was ASTOUNDED that even in the presser they held, the university never mentioned Ferentz was in contact with players and families, until Biff Poggi brought it up. And to hold one at all with no Barta OR Ferentz OR Doyle? Unless he was overruled on the plan, Phil Haddy needs to make a graceful exit because this was botched beyond belief.

All excellent points. While I agree Phil Haddy is a weak link in all of this, I'm guessing he was just doing what he was told by Barta or by Barta's assistant.
Assume he did come back to IC immediately.
Assume he rushed to the hospital immediately.
Assume he spent 4 hours per day at the hospital.

That would allow him a sum-total of just over 15 minutes per person, sitting bedside checking on guys.

This is all just a matter of perception, not reality.

I think your point is well made.

While ideally it would have been great if he had been in IC, but in terms of a practical matter, he's not a Doctor the last time I checked so it wouldn't impact their actual recovery one way or another. I'm certain he's talked to all of them multiple times.

What really matters is how those impacted players feel about the situation. Do they feel that they were appropriately supported, or do they feel that they were abandon by their coach. Right now, we don't know but I suspect if they were all on the same bandwagon that the national media is on, we would have heard about it by now.

Relax Max
Wow. That is stunning.

It hardly comes as a surprise that you are stunned that someone is actually capable of making a calm, rational, and intelligent point, seeing as how that is diametrically opposed to the point of view that your mentality allows you to make.
Many, on this board and in the media, are unjustly blasting Ferentz for staying on the recruiting trail instead of returning to Iowa City. But none that I've read have bothered to apply the least bit of logic to this issue. So I will.

When players get hurt during a game, seriously enough to be carted off the field and taken to the hospital for examination and treatment, does the head coach go with the injured player to the hospital? NEVER. The team's medical personnel accompany the player because that's their job. The head coach continues to do his job, which is to coach.

So how is this case more compelling than an in-game injury? Because it was 13 players? Really? Eighty-seven other players did the same workout without a problem. Ferentz still isn't a doctor. The players were in the hospital receiving the best care available. So why, exactly, should Ferentz have stopped coaching (recruiting) to return to Iowa City where he would be useless?

He called the parents. He called the players. He did what he should have done...with the probably exception of playing the PR game by offering a Skype video that the media could have used to make themselves feel better.

After the investigation into this medical case is completed, it will likely find a simple fact: players who do not work out over breaks may not be able to handle this level of workout. So the remedy is simple too: Wait a couple weeks before you have the kids do this one. Make sure everyone is physically ready to handle it. No big deal.

So I know it's not entertaining, but how about being honest, being accurate and being fair?

'A' for effort.
From a public relations standpoint, it would have looked a lot better if he had returned to Iowa City immediately and gone to the hospital to visit his players and their families.

In actuality, there wasn't anything more he could do for them by being there that wasn't already being done.

The national perception is that KF doesn't care enough about his players. We all know that isn't true, but the media has sensationalized the Ferentz angle of this story. People like Perrault, Doyel, Forde, who don't know Ferentz, or the inner workings of his program at all.
were ALL 13 players treated for the same thing????

WHAT or two players had more serious kidney issue, the rest had similar symptoms but were simply admitted because of dehydration. KF knowing that, might have been told that the players were all "okay", and deemed in unnecessary to return.

too many unanswered questions.
College Football Today on Friday did quite a rant during the first few minutes of the show and the one Medical professional said "all these players will be 100% recovered in this case". The medical issue wasn't life or death. It requires follow up but the bashing in media is for ratings.....anyone who says otherwise just isn't an honest person. We don't know the facts and when we don't know the facts these days the media will hang "the prime suspect or the top official" this case KF. I don't know that KF made every move great, but he his kid plays on this team and participates in these workouts......WOuld he really put his two sons through things he thought would be them in danger........
The people who have been on air and in print talking about "accountability and lack of good decison making"......should really ask themselves if that is what they truly believe or if that is what they think will increase viewers or readers.....they themselves in this case are most likely guilty of some poor decisions and verbage as well.......KARMA is a *****.........
I stand behind KF and Hawkeye Staff. Go Hawks!!
Wow. That is stunning.

Maybe you should just stick to your credibility based twitter world and program insider sources like Forde, Doyel, etc. who stand behind anonymous sources like; relative of a parent, next-door neighbor of a friend who knows a relative of parent or player.

Those who have proved to be very accurate in the past.
Maybe you should just stick to your credibility based twitter world and program insider sources like Forde, Doyel, etc. who stand behind anonymous sources like; relative of a parent, next-door neighbor of a friend who knows a relative of parent or player.

Those who have proved to be very accurate in the past.

What has Doyle, Forde, Rittenburg or any of the national writers gotten wrong? All the info that has been reported upon is accurate unless you have some story that nobody has seen. Our "twitter" world - IS THE WORLD we live in. Join us.
What has Doyle, Forde, Rittenburg or any of the national writers gotten wrong? All the info that has been reported upon is accurate unless you have some story that nobody has seen. Our "twitter" world - IS THE WORLD we live in. Join us.

What have they gotten right?? Other than Kirk not attending the PC, really hard to know, because like you they provide comments based on anonymous "sources" and have a sole objective to create fires using unethical comments to only increase ratings.

You tell us, what is it like to sell out your ethic standards to create some BS news story? The difference is you got called on it by someone and then acted like a little punk after...these guys know they can hide behind a blog or twitter account.

Thankfully most Iowa media members knows you for what you are - a blowhard with zero credibility. But hey, you are your gm are tight and roll the same way- so you are safe!
What has Doyle, Forde, Rittenburg or any of the national writers gotten wrong? All the info that has been reported upon is accurate unless you have some story that nobody has seen. Our "twitter" world - IS THE WORLD we live in. Join us.

and your mindset here is now the public has to prove what they say is wrong? How about these guys PROVE they have sources/proof....again, not your style so i do not expect you to get it.
and your mindset here is now the public has to prove what they say is wrong? How about these guys PROVE they have sources/proof....again, not your style so i do not expect you to get it.

Do you ever get worn out from continuously pwning Marty? :D

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