Several Rating Agencies are ranking Iowa #2; One has IA at #1


Well-Known Member
Check out the Massey Composite Ratings (just google "Massey Composite Football Rankings"). Several have Iowa at #2; Atomic has Iowa at #1. Anderson and Hester, one of the most respected systems, has Iowa at #4. Keep winning Hawkeyes!!
It is truly amazing that a program that many fans "left for dead" last summer is now moving into the Top 10 of the country. Hard to believe
These are probably all better computer rankings than ESPN's FPI that they constantly push, which btw, has a 3-3 USC team as #6 and Iowa at #29. What a complete joke of a system.
Damn, winning at Northwestern and at Wisconsin must carry a lot of weight in these types of polls.
I frankly think we are rated right now about where we should be. Not quite top 10, but pushing. Win out, we better make the top ten. Lose 1 game before Indy and we better remain in the top 20.