Seems quiet……….


Well-Known Member
for only being under two weeks out to kickoff. Expected excellent defense and an unknown QB. Experienced Offensive line? Check! Experienced backfield? Check. Experienced tight end? Check. Serviceable receiving core? Check. Experienced and accurate QB’s? Ummmmmm hopefully. That’s the real question between Iowa being an 11-1 team or a 9-3 team.

First real test will be Iowa State. Winner of that game will be in the driver’s seat for a playoff birth. Loser sits home on the couch with a bucket of popcorn watching it on TV.

Now I am not saying we can’t beat Ohio State but by then Lester better have the offense running smoothly and consistently. Lose to ISU then we have to win the rest including the buckeyes.

Man it’s quiet out here. There’s lots to be excited for.
for only being under two weeks out to kickoff. Expected excellent defense and an unknown QB. Experienced Offensive line? Check! Experienced backfield? Check. Experienced tight end? Check. Serviceable receiving core? Check. Experienced and accurate QB’s? Ummmmmm hopefully. That’s the real question between Iowa being an 11-1 team or a 9-3 team.

First real test will be Iowa State. Winner of that game will be in the driver’s seat for a playoff birth. Loser sits home on the couch with a bucket of popcorn watching it on TV.

Now I am not saying we can’t beat Ohio State but by then Lester better have the offense running smoothly and consistently. Lose to ISU then we have to win the rest including the buckeyes.

Man it’s quiet out here. There’s lots to be excited for.
There's a lot to be guarded about. All of it on the offensive side of the ball. If we come out in 10 days and move the ball, put some points on the board, god forbid even complete some good pass'll see the excitement tick up.
With the new super conferences and no divisions it’s going to be real hard to stand out going forward. It’s straight up paying for players and while we are very successful with funding we’ll never hit elite level.
With the new super conferences and no divisions it’s going to be real hard to stand out going forward. It’s straight up paying for players and while we are very successful with funding we’ll never hit elite level.

I have made similar comments to yours. Our defense could be the best in the best in the country. Reports about special teams are also very very good. The schedule may not be as favorable for years to come.

Many sportscasters have made similar statements. This is the year for greatness for Iowa. We will take heavy loses on defense after this season ends. So the road may be bumpy for our defense for a few years after this one. Lester will have to raise the offense to a point where it finally compliments our football program to help carry it while our defense rebuilds after this year.

So this is the year if it’s going to happen.
I feel like the majority of us are quietly confident that this will be a strong year with double digit wins, but at least for me, I don't want to jinx it. It feels like years where things line-up for a special season, the team disappoints. On paper, this has to be one of KF's most talented and experienced rosters since 2002. But, games aren't played on paper and a team predicated upon defense and special teams is going to play a lot of one score games.......
I typically don’t watch sports from April until football starts so I’m usually chomping at the bit in August waiting for the season to start but this year I haven’t taken a break because I watch every CC game I can.
The offense is one big scary question mark.

If I am an opposing defensive coordinator, I'm liking my chances.

Same strategy as last 5 years, I'd be going with that.
The offense is one big scary question mark.

If I am an opposing defensive coordinator, I'm liking my chances.

Same strategy as last 5 years, I'd be going with that.
You don't have to look any further than the starting RB to know this offense will not look like Uncle Brian's Shitshow. It may not be super-awesome at the start, but DCs aint going to be able to just put 8 in the box all game long.
You don't have to look any further than the starting RB to know this offense will not look like Uncle Brian's Shitshow. It may not be super-awesome at the start, but DCs aint going to be able to just put 8 in the box all game long.

Agreed, the fact that Moulton is the starting running back speaks volumns that Tim gets to decide who works best in his new offense and the status quo has changed. Speed and elusiveness are going to be important in Lester’s offense. Not the typical three yards and a cloud of dust. Oh we will see those plays happen but Moulton is a smaller type of running back, maybe more along the lines of a Freddy Russel type of back. The type that can sneak through the line and pop off 7, 8, or nine yards. Would not surprise me to see him catch a lot of passes.