SEC OVerrrated?

I think this year the conference as a whole is overrated. LSU's offense isn't too scary, Ole Miss was overrated from the start of the year, Georgia isn't as good as its been in recent years, and even Alabama and Florida have had their issues in the past few weeks. That said, I still think Florida is the team to beat (in the conference and country) IF their defense can get healthy. That defense is nasty when its firing on all cylinders, and if Tebow gets in a groove, look out for them. Ingram is a stud, but I think if you can contain him and not turn the ball over on offense, Alabama is beatable.
Alabama is not all the sizzle. Anyone remember Utah just beating up that "vaunted" SEC defense? I'd like to see Bama or any SEC team run Iowa's conference road schedule and come out unblemished...
I agree completely that the SEC is overrated. I find it interesting that somebody from CBS Sports, who spends lots of money on SEC football, brings up the topic. Kudos to Doyle for putting it out there. It probably won't change much in the eyes of the voters, but at least it is a start.
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Alabama is not all the sizzle. Anyone remember Utah just beating up that "vaunted" SEC defense? I'd like to see Bama or any SEC team run Iowa's conference road schedule and come out unblemished...

.........or our schedule PERIOD! Ask another "good" SEC team like....oh... South Carolina for example, what its like to get pounded on by a Big Ten team for 60 minutes...let alone 8 games...

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