Season Ticket Question

Agree with a lot on this one and it disgusts, t-wolve and hawk fan here.

How long you been a fan of the cats '96?

Are you still a Minnesota NorthStars fan? Minnesota Lakers?

I ain't really a Cats fan by choice. But once I bought a casa in Evanston, I pretty much had to buy tickets, though I was totally on the fence until the Cats went out and manhandled Iowa yet again.

$200 for 40 yard line seats is basically free. Plus, I can drink a beer whilst standing 2 feet in the street without fear of oppressive arrest at the hands of the police. What major change will the feminists who run the U of Iowa cook up this year to further diminish the tailgating experience in IC?

Don't worry 'bout me, I'll miss the first NU game when I go to the Iowa-ISU game this year. At least in Ames, they'll still let you have fun while tailgating.
Are you still a Minnesota NorthStars fan? Minnesota Lakers?

I ain't really a Cats fan by choice. But once I bought a casa in Evanston, I pretty much had to buy tickets, though I was totally on the fence until the Cats went out and manhandled Iowa yet again.

$200 for 40 yard line seats is basically free. Plus, I can drink a beer whilst standing 2 feet in the street without fear of oppressive arrest at the hands of the police. What major change will the feminists who run the U of Iowa cook up this year to further diminish the tailgating experience in IC?

Don't worry 'bout me, I'll miss the first NU game when I go to the Iowa-ISU game this year. At least in Ames, they'll still let you have fun while tailgating.

I guess I would still be a stars fan if they were around, but not old enough to know about the lakers. Agree about IC going down hill with all the tailgating stuff, but I live hear so I tailgate in my back yard and head to the game late.
So you are basically making fun of people who were excited about Hawkeye football a year ago who finally didn't let those excuses be excuses and financially supported the Iowa Hawkeye football program by purchasing season tickets for the first time?? Um, OK.

I vehemently disagree with your snarky, holier than thou attitude as it pertains to new season ticket holders. Come one, come all. I could care less what your excuses were in the past, but if you are interested, by all means, take that step. Why on earth would you be against that??

No, I was taking a jab at the people who seemingly came out of the woodowork last year and had all these elaborate stories about finally being able to apply for tickets. Then those same people complained that the University was going to honor requests from existing season ticket holders to add seats before they processed new customers requests.

People who applied last year for the first time should be just excited about trying again this year if they were doing it for the right reasons, not just because of the perfect storm of expectations and home schedule that we had last year.

Im going to guess you werent around here or other message boards last year and had to hear these people. It got to be comical.
Have you ever been to Iowa City in September in a year where the Cubs look like they'll make the playoffs? 91% of the kids between 18-22 are wearing Cubs gear that is so new it still has factory creases and smells like the store.

I could see ISMoo taking over as the fan favorite. As we have seen with Iowa basketball, Iowa fans are VERY fair weather. Say the FB team hires the wrong coach, has about 5 or 6 straight losing seasons and assume ISMoo puts together a run during those years. At least in Central Iowa, all the tavernhawks will switch. Simple as that.

I see your point, I guess I just have too thick of black and gold blinders to think that there are actually that many "tavern Hawks" that would turn to the dark side and become ISU backers.
Are you still a Minnesota NorthStars fan? Minnesota Lakers?

I ain't really a Cats fan by choice. But once I bought a casa in Evanston, I pretty much had to buy tickets, though I was totally on the fence until the Cats went out and manhandled Iowa yet again.

$200 for 40 yard line seats is basically free. Plus, I can drink a beer whilst standing 2 feet in the street without fear of oppressive arrest at the hands of the police. What major change will the feminists who run the U of Iowa cook up this year to further diminish the tailgating experience in IC?

Don't worry 'bout me, I'll miss the first NU game when I go to the Iowa-ISU game this year. At least in Ames, they'll still let you have fun while tailgating.
Theres alot to be said about some of these points. I have always been a Hawk fan. There was no other option in my house growing up. But when the Eagles (the band) wanted $200 bucks a ticket, I gave up on buying tickets to any event such as this. It is just easier for me to throw something on the smoker, have a few friends over and do what ever I want, without fear of being thrown in the clink. A grand to take my woman to a concert is just to much. I guess the better half used to go to baseball games all the time and the price was decent, and you could have a good time, but that was in a different state, that is not ran by Hitler. Where I live I see it every summer, the tourist money is shrinking due to the fact that if you step just barley out of line you are in jail. I am not saying let evryone do whatever, but come on, people go to events to have fun and if you strangle out all the fun, people just wont come anymore. They can just watch it at the local watering hole or at home.

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