Season Ticket Question


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering where all the stories about season tickets that we heard about last year are.

"This is the first year the wife and I can afford them!"

"Uncle Tom and Aunt Betty just moved back in the area and want to come with us to games, I need to add 2 seats!"

"Me and a group of 4 buddies have thought about getting tickets in the past, but it finally all worked out for us this year, what are my chances of getting 5 season tickets?"

Not hearing that so much this year. Odd that all those circumstances came together for so many people last year when we had an absolutely loaded team returning coupled with the most attractive home schedule ever.
I've wondered the same thing. I'm sure if those people posted this year, it would be:

"My wife and I can't afford them again."

"Uncle Tom and Aunt Betty moved out of the area, so we need 2 fewer seats."

"My group of buddies aren't together anymore, so it's not going to work out."

My personal favorite last year was how so many people had to work every weekend in past years, but they just so happened to have their schedules changed in time for last fall, so then they could get season tickets.

I'd bet that by this year, their schedules have changed back and they have to work every Saturday again.
The owner of our tailgating lot sent out an email last week, asking how many of us were returning this fall. By noon, there were already two open spots whose renters were not renewing their season tix...
I'm thinking about getting season tickets this year because it can't be any worse than the embarrassment of last year.
I am renewing my tickets, but if I didn't live in Coralville I would probably consider watching with friends on TV. I tailgate at home go to the game and then hang out at home where we are free to stay as long as we want and even listen to music if the mood strikes.

We used to to pay $1000 for a spot.......never again
Ok, if the prevailing opinion is that it's a lot easier to get season tickets this year, then why is everyone (including season ticket holders) only allowed to "request" just 2 additional seats? Heck, last year the season ticket holders could "request" up to 4, although I doubt anyone got more than 2 or 3 if it was fulfilled. It would seem to me if the Ticket Office was guessing that the demand will be much lower this year that they wouldn't give that "2 additional tickets mandate" upfront and just let the priority points determine who gets 2, 3, or 4 new tickets when applying. Bottom line is I'm smelling more of a demand than anyone might realize, in part due to Nebraska coming to town next year. I'm sure we'll find out shortly after the renewal deadline of April 29 where the real supply and demand stands.
I was just wondering where all the stories about season tickets that we heard about last year are.

"This is the first year the wife and I can afford them!"

"Uncle Tom and Aunt Betty just moved back in the area and want to come with us to games, I need to add 2 seats!"

"Me and a group of 4 buddies have thought about getting tickets in the past, but it finally all worked out for us this year, what are my chances of getting 5 season tickets?"

Not hearing that so much this year. Odd that all those circumstances came together for so many people last year when we had an absolutely loaded team returning coupled with the most attractive home schedule ever.

So you are basically making fun of people who were excited about Hawkeye football a year ago who finally didn't let those excuses be excuses and financially supported the Iowa Hawkeye football program by purchasing season tickets for the first time?? Um, OK.

I vehemently disagree with your snarky, holier than thou attitude as it pertains to new season ticket holders. Come one, come all. I could care less what your excuses were in the past, but if you are interested, by all means, take that step. Why on earth would you be against that??
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The diehards will always get their season tickets. Last year included so many expectations (including an incredible home schedule) that many people wanted to be a part of what come in 2010.

I renewed my season ticket application again this year. While the home schedule is not quite as attractive, I will always buy my two allotted season tickets. Can't keep me away from Iowa City on game day.

I think last year may have included a rush from people who are "fans" ... but maybe not quite as hardcore fans as the normal season ticket holders.

On a different topic, I actually think Iowa will be better this season. I think the lowered expectations will play in Iowa's favor and I think the chemistry will be better this season. And chemistry can make or break a team. Last year's team did not have a leader, despite the tremendous amount of talent on the team. I think Vandy will step up and be that leader. Not putting the cart before the horse, but I think this year's team will surprise the national pundits who are so quick to jump off the Iowa bandwagon ...
The diehards will always get their season tickets. Last year included so many expectations (including an incredible home schedule) that many people wanted to be a part of what come in 2010.

I renewed my season ticket application again this year. While the home schedule is not quite as attractive, I will always buy my two allotted season tickets. Can't keep me away from Iowa City on game day.

I think last year may have included a rush from people who are "fans" ... but maybe not quite as hardcore fans as the normal season ticket holders.

On a different topic, I actually think Iowa will be better this season. I think the lowered expectations will play in Iowa's favor and I think the chemistry will be better this season. And chemistry can make or break a team. Last year's team did not have a leader, despite the tremendous amount of talent on the team. I think Vandy will step up and be that leader. Not putting the cart before the horse, but I think this year's team will surprise the national pundits who are so quick to jump off the Iowa bandwagon ...

Agree on all accounts. I renewed my three and will be jumping from section 128 to 127 (or 126)...looking forward to midfield seats this year and beyond.
I applied to be a first time season ticket holder last year and was one that only got a 2 game package. I applied again this year and actually donated as well. I wanted to be a season ticket holder last year and I want to more than ever this year. Last year had no impact on me whatsoever. I love Hawkeye football!
Multiple pages of pixels were filled when HappyChef came on here bragging about how he ain't letting me in on MY season tickets anymore. That's fine, I've found a solution.

To iahawk20 - you need to understand something about Iowa folk. If the Cubs look like they're going to make the playoffs, Iowa folk roll out to the mall and buy them out of Cub gear. "Been a Cub fan my whole life," they'll say.

If the Packers look good, you go over to the Merle Hay Mall, half the folks you'll see are wearing goodyear blimp sized green coats with a "G" on the back of them. "Been a Packer fan my whole life," they'll say.

Mark my words, buddy, if Iowa football falls and through some deal with the devil ISU becomes good, the ISU gear will outnumber the Iowa gear by a 8:1 margin as all the tavernhawks become tavernclowns. Iowa folk are the most fair weather fans you'll see anywhere and it is caused by the lack of the pro sports teams - it causes them to shift allegiances and bince over 90% of the state didn't actually go to Iowa, they only watch Iowa when Iowa is decent. See, e.g., Iowa basketball.
I'm thinking about getting season tickets this year because it can't be any worse than the embarrassment of last year.

While the end of the season wasn't what any of us wanted...there was nothing embarrassing about the way Iowa played during any of the home games last season. Last minute losses to Wisky and OSU were two of the greatest Kinnick atmospheres you'll ever be apart of despite the results.
Applied for the 1st time as a non-student (all for the non-refundable amount of $10...grrr...but I digress)...

Haven't heard a peep out of the Univ yet...and I put my request in in early April.

Seasoned season-ticket holders tell me the first time I'll "hear" anything is when the charge appears on my Visa. Then I have to call the athletic office to find out where I'm sitting.

Customer service? Huh?
Multiple pages of pixels were filled when HappyChef came on here bragging about how he ain't letting me in on MY season tickets anymore. That's fine, I've found a solution.

To iahawk20 - you need to understand something about Iowa folk. If the Cubs look like they're going to make the playoffs, Iowa folk roll out to the mall and buy them out of Cub gear. "Been a Cub fan my whole life," they'll say.

If the Packers look good, you go over to the Merle Hay Mall, half the folks you'll see are wearing goodyear blimp sized green coats with a "G" on the back of them. "Been a Packer fan my whole life," they'll say.

Mark my words, buddy, if Iowa football falls and through some deal with the devil ISU becomes good, the ISU gear will outnumber the Iowa gear by a 8:1 margin as all the tavernhawks become tavernclowns. Iowa folk are the most fair weather fans you'll see anywhere and it is caused by the lack of the pro sports teams - it causes them to shift allegiances and bince over 90% of the state didn't actually go to Iowa, they only watch Iowa when Iowa is decent. See, e.g., Iowa basketball.

Usually I find something to agree with you on in your posts, however this might be the most ignorant post I've ever read. Had you thrown in the population of fans that claim to be die hard Hawkeye fans, but then end up buying Northwestern season tickets and go on to bash the Iowa fan base, I'd of probably agreed with you.
Usually I find something to agree with you on in your posts, however this might be the most ignorant post I've ever read. Had you thrown in the population of fans that claim to be die hard Hawkeye fans, but then end up buying Northwestern season tickets and go on to bash the Iowa fan base, I'd of probably agreed with you.

Look guy, there are a fair number of die hard Hawk fans, like me. But for every die hard Hawk fan, you've got at least half a dozen tavernhawks who maybe go to a game every few years, if at all. Much like the WalMartWolverines, the tavernhawk represents a large percentage of Iowa fans, and they try desperately to jam themselves on the bandwagon when the team is doing well and jump off quickly at the first sign of adversity. A few examples - 2007 Western Michigan game might as well have been played in Michigan, the bandwagon folks all fell off when we were 6-5 going into the game. Another great example, Purdue 2008. That ballclub didn't have a great record at that point and it was cold and all the fair weather fans stayed at home and missed the clinic Shonn Greene put on. I was at both of the games and I saw first hand how our fan base doesn't show.

The tides turned in 2009 and by the middle of the season, premiums on tickets were ridiculous and then 2010 season ticket sales were through the roof as all the fair weather folk expected a 1985-like season.

Did you go out and buy your new Bulls gear yet? Better throw away that Blackhawks jersey you bought last year, they ain't the best anymore.
Sorry okeefe4prez, I should have elaborated on the point that I disagreed with. While I agree with you on the fair weather green bay fans comment, I took issue with the part about the cubs. As a Cubs fan (life long, take that for what it's worth) I don't see them being in the same content as the Green Bay fair weather fans, primarily because generally they're out of contention before the weather is nice enough to run out and buy all the short sleeve shirts.

What I had the problem with was the comment about ISU "fans" out numbering the black and gold supporters in the event they ever become relevant. First, that will never happen, and secondly, ISU will always be a second tier program in this state and a "fair weather" fan would most likely not care enough to support ISU. To even state that the fan base of fair weather Hawkeye fans is that large that they would eventually change allegiances and out number the true black and gold is true crazy talk.
Second thought, maybe it had nothing to do with fans jumping off the bandwagon in 2007, but rather them simply being unwilling to brave the elements at the end of a long season simply to watch Western Michigan, a team they most likely thought we'd walk all over and wasn't worth the numbness.
Sorry okeefe4prez, I should have elaborated on the point that I disagreed with. While I agree with you on the fair weather green bay fans comment, I took issue with the part about the cubs. As a Cubs fan (life long, take that for what it's worth) I don't see them being in the same content as the Green Bay fair weather fans, primarily because generally they're out of contention before the weather is nice enough to run out and buy all the short sleeve shirts.

What I had the problem with was the comment about ISU "fans" out numbering the black and gold supporters in the event they ever become relevant. First, that will never happen, and secondly, ISU will always be a second tier program in this state and a "fair weather" fan would most likely not care enough to support ISU. To even state that the fan base of fair weather Hawkeye fans is that large that they would eventually change allegiances and out number the true black and gold is true crazy talk.

Have you ever been to Iowa City in September in a year where the Cubs look like they'll make the playoffs? 91% of the kids between 18-22 are wearing Cubs gear that is so new it still has factory creases and smells like the store.

I could see ISMoo taking over as the fan favorite. As we have seen with Iowa basketball, Iowa fans are VERY fair weather. Say the FB team hires the wrong coach, has about 5 or 6 straight losing seasons and assume ISMoo puts together a run during those years. At least in Central Iowa, all the tavernhawks will switch. Simple as that.
Have you ever been to Iowa City in September in a year where the Cubs look like they'll make the playoffs? 91% of the kids between 18-22 are wearing Cubs gear that is so new it still has factory creases and smells like the store.

I could see ISMoo taking over as the fan favorite. As we have seen with Iowa basketball, Iowa fans are VERY fair weather. Say the FB team hires the wrong coach, has about 5 or 6 straight losing seasons and assume ISMoo puts together a run during those years. At least in Central Iowa, all the tavernhawks will switch. Simple as that.

Agree with a lot on this one and it disgusts, t-wolve and hawk fan here.

How long you been a fan of the cats '96?

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