Search Committees Are Lame

You make a lot of good points. However, I don't think the hiring process for college coaches falls into the traditional corporate interview process model, but I appreciate the points that you made. My point was to give Barta the freedom to identify a candidate and the ability to go get him. Timing and urgency are important, because coaches who are having successful seasons are sought after. They don't usually have to send in their resume when a coaching job comes open, because AD's are aware of successful coaches and try to hire them. Roy Williams was happy at Kansas, but Carolina went after him and got him. Now Iowa isn't Carolina, but if Gary Barta finds a coach that is a good fit for Iowa, I believe he should have the power to use all available resources to make an offer to that coach, regardless of what the committee says. Barta will be supervising the coach, not the committee.

I can see where you're coming from... I think both work equally if utilized correctly. Got a feeling that NC's AD didn't have an approval or two before he made the offer...

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