Sean Henderson on Iowa

Good this guys is like Jeff ChristensenX1000000000.

Remember the last recruit we had whose father gave insight all of the time??? Yup Jeff talkin about you!

"SH: No, we’ll be doing it on TV."
"Iowa eliminated themselves when they found out that they couldn’t be our 5th official visit. I thought that was a poor choice on their part, but it just makes it a little easier on us."

" I think they’re too concerned with how people will view them in the media, and maybe what they read in the paper and on websites"

-Let me tell you right now Sean Henderson...Kirk Ferentz and his staff are one of the LEAST worried staffs about what they may or may not see on TV or the internet. WOW. The more I hear about you the more I think Captain Kirk made the right call...Now if you want to talk about a program that is worried about how they are perceived try....

"GH: Did they make a huge cut-out of Seantrel?
SH: They had a cutout of Seantrel in a Gophers’ uniform, and stuff like that. It was nice."
Wow minny really? Stooping to cardboard cutouts of kids, way not to embarrass yourself.

Good riddance and I hope you commit to OSU...Mr. Clayborn will introduce you to Big Ten football in a hurry next year at Kinnick.

Well, I was going to say all of this so I'll just add +1.

I think you can make an argument that the kid was interested if he came down here on his own, twice. That said, this dad gives off huge red flags. He talks more about the perks (parties, cut out figures, South Beach, Coconut Grove etc) than he does about the actual school or programs. I rarely doubt KF. I sure as hell won't be starting with this kid's situation.
On a (sort of) sidenote, I met two members of James Morris' family a week or so ago. One of them told me that James had two or three laundry baskets heaped full of letters from every school in the nation. He said you'd be hard pressed to find a school who wasn't interested in James. When this family member went over to visit James, he saw that all of the letters were unopened. James said he didn't need to read any other offers because he wanted to be a Hawkeye. That's the kind of kid I love to see at Iowa...not the ones who have to be coaxed into it with cardboard cutouts, fancy trips and new jobs for dad.
On a (sort of) sidenote, I met two members of James Morris' family a week or so ago. One of them told me that James had two or three laundry baskets heaped full of letters from every school in the nation. He said you'd be hard pressed to find a school who wasn't interested in James. When this family member went over to visit James, he saw that all of the letters were unopened. James said he didn't need to read any other offers because he wanted to be a Hawkeye. That's the kind of kid I love to see at Iowa...not the ones who have to be coaxed into it with cardboard cutouts, fancy trips and new jobs for dad.

Great post...thanks!

I think that the type of character and integrity exhibited by certain recruits...such as Morris...throughout the process means every bit as much if not more than 40 times and bench press statistics.

Those who are claiming that some Hawkeye fans are simply being petty and saying they don't want the player from up North (stealing a page from Bill Parcell's book) because he doesn't appear to be coming to Iowa are discounting the fact that new information has become available and it is information that could easily lead one to believe that this kid suffers from a lack of character.

Because of the way the Iowa football program is big time recruit who does not exemplify the type of character and integrity that our program demands would be more detrimental than losing out on him.
I've heard the father speak and am not impressed with anything he has to say. A complete prima-donna syndrome there. And what a 180 from parents such as Clayborn's mom, for example. Glad Iowa doesn't have to worry about massaging the Henderson's egos for the next thre years. It's heartening to see Ferentz dump that kind of act now, rather than go through the tortured exercise that were the Jake Christenson years all over again.
This story reminds me of Jeff George - totally dominated by parents. He ended up transferring (Purdue and ILL but I forgot which way). He ended up being much less of a factor than his parents predicted.
We'll just have to wait and see on Henderson.

Didn't Jeff George end up being the #1 pick in the draft?
hope the best for seantrel, feel sorry that this has turned into a circus. his dad definitely doesn't look like he has his son's interests in mind more than getting some of the spotlight himself. not saying that's the way it is, just the way it looks to me.
My feeling is that KF didnt think we had a real chance to land him and he wanted to spend his recruiting time the best he could. Simple as that. No conspiracy. No bribe demanded. No request for family jobs or houses. Coach didnt want to waste his time.

This has the ring of truth to it.
Can't wait until this guy announces where he will go, so he can stop having press conferences. Yes, you're a good football player. No, the world doesn't need to be informed via satellite about every little decision you make. Whether it's him or his dad pulling the strings, one of them could really use a tall glass of nobody-gives-a-crap.

This is like one of those episodes of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, when somebody gets close to the last question and the show grinds to a mind-numbing halt as the contestant sits there for half the show and talks through the entire thought process that is going through his head instead of just answering the freaking question so we can move on already.
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I don't think there is any ME,ME,ME in TEAM.He might be good but he'll have to learn and grow as a person where ever he ends up.
Let's not disparage the kid. I think this is all a whirlwind for him. I'm sure he also feels a lot of pressure. His parents are clearly orchestrating this, though. Seantrel appeared kind of quiet and shy after the championship game. He will be a follower in college, and it will be interested to see how his career develops. Freak of nature, but not a lot of killer-instinct. Can he step up his intensity when matched with equal athletes?
Seantrel seems like a nice kid. I wish he was coming to Iowa. His dad seems to be a tool, but, I can't hold that against the kid.
I like how everyone is like "This guy is way overhyped and his attitude doesn't fit the Hawkeye program...he's probably will be horrible anyway"

If he was coming to Iowa you would be saying exactly the opposite. I honestly hope he does great and makes a career in college and the NFL. He's got a lot of potential and can become a great player

You can't play it both ways. A kid and his dad with that mindset will almost never "settle" on a place like Iowa. They're not looking for the program and coach that will best fit the kid's abilities - they're being taken in by the "biggest name" factor - which Iowa will lose almost every time.

If he was coming to Iowa, you can probably assume that this kid and his dad had taken a radically different approach to deciding what school he was going to.

Maybe we're splitting hairs, but as far as I'm concerned, kids with Diva attitudes like that can just go be a problem somewhere else. I think Kirk was wise to step away.

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