Well-Known Member
If there were that many restrictions and conditions on him staying on scholarship and with the program, it's not worth the risk for the UI (or for him), i.e., it's destined for failure, and leaves a black eye for everyone. Conduct that would result in an ***-chewing to another player but results in him being kicked off the team - what's the point of that - conduct is conduct - it shouldn't have been set up differently for him compared to the other players. They vetted him, and determined he was worthy of a scholarship - leave it at that. Adding conditions to his scholarship was a bad move. Sounds like some institutional bs contrived by someone who has never worked in the real world (where they expect results) - thank you Ghostbusters.
I agree with you. It sounded like a recipe for failure. Either you believe he has changed his ways and you let him be a student athlete, or you dont believe he has and you DONT offer him a schollie.