Scherff hang clean 3x443

So, let's say I'm a 260 DE and I play on the right side of my defensive line. If I'm comprehending what I just saw, it basically means he can throw around 170% of my weight multiple times. If Brandon Scherff gets both hands on me inside his shoulders, there is no physical way possible to get away. I'd have to generate an incredible amount of force to break free...anyone know the physics no this? I'm going with my body stays in motion until he decides he's had enough or until the whistle blows.

That's got to be depressing to prepare for this guy. He's just a freaking specimen with an attitude.

If I were a 260 pound d-lineman I would be faster than Clowney and would use speed and agility to my advantage. When I burned old boy to the outside once and he watched them scrape the QB off the ground, he'd start thinkin' "No way I'mma let that guy beat me to the outside again" and then I'd juke him to the outside and beat him to the inside. After 3 drives of this, Davis would maybe finally wise up and double team me.
If I were a 260 pound d-lineman I would be faster than Clowney and would use speed and agility to my advantage. When I burned old boy to the outside once and he watched them scrape the QB off the ground, he'd start thinkin' "No way I'mma let that guy beat me to the outside again" and then I'd juke him to the outside and beat him to the inside. After 3 drives of this, Davis would maybe finally wise up and double team me.

How much do you want to bet that Clowney would try to run around him every play after the first quarter. Scherff isn't getting beat to the inside, maybe once. In my view of Clowney after watching him a ton last year, he'd get a physical beat down if you look at 60 minutes of work. Just my opinion, but just saying. Both great athletes, but Scherff wins the technic and the mental game every time.
If I were a 260 pound d-lineman I would be faster than Clowney and would use speed and agility to my advantage. When I burned old boy to the outside once and he watched them scrape the QB off the ground, he'd start thinkin' "No way I'mma let that guy beat me to the outside again" and then I'd juke him to the outside and beat him to the inside. After 3 drives of this, Davis would maybe finally wise up and double team me.

if you were all speedin' and jukin' and burnin' to the outside, it would be one less DL they'd have to move left down the los on zone left.
443 is a massive amount of weight. During college ball I could go 375 and that was for 1 rep. Thinking of adding another 75lbs and 2 more reps makes me want to cry. I don't think it's common.

I also know that Scherff is going to start feeling all that weight when he gets into his 30s.
back in high school I was one of the strongest guys on my team, arguably the strongest in terms of cleans and hang cleans but I could never do more than 225 and I had to go on a full berserker rage to do that.
[B said:
mrolympia[/B];1311701]back in high school I was one of the strongest guys on my team, arguably the strongest in terms of cleans and hang cleans but I could never do more than 225 and I had to go on a full berserker rage to do that.

then you've come a long way since then.......
look at me! look at me!!

i'm guessing a picture of this dude squatting will be on a billboard near you soon....
The best quote in the thread I've read so far is:

"My roommate is 205# and he can clean 400 lbs."

Yes that's a word for word quote from CF. Gold Jerry, gold.
Little brother wanted some attention I see.

@CJMO48: I should tweet a video of @Oni_Omoile making a 720 pound squat look easy and not being allowed to go up in weight

@Oni_Omoile @Groth4 FFS he was using straps. It's not that impressive

Wow. What a moron. I realize at this level of football you have to bring it every game, but Morrissey is going to get matched up against Scherff during the upcoming game (unless they scheme around that match-up). Scherff is widely known to be an animal. It is just plain dumb saying anything that might make him want to go out of his way to destroy you.

Morrissey will be forgotten. He will end up being nothing more than an average defensive end at one of the worst programs in college football. Yet here he is running his mouth about a top 5 draft pick who is an absolute animal. Incredibly dumb move on his part. Makes him look really stupid as well considering Scherff is cleaning and not squatting so his comparison is completely irrelevant.
Maybe I didn't realize just how good he is. Doyle didn't seem hesitant to call him the best and we all know we've had some good ones.

Doyle is a miracle worker. The guy could take former HN poster VintageHawkeye and turn him into a D-1 capable guard in 2 years.
Maybe I didn't realize just how good he is. Doyle didn't seem hesitant to call him the best and we all know we've had some good ones.

3 years ago when Scherff barely played, Reece Morgan told a family member of mine that Scherff would be the best Iowa offensive lineman under Kirk Ferentz. Looks like he was correct in that prediction. This guy is the best Iowa has had.

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