
I clearly understand Morningside is a "small pond", NAIA is about as small as you get. I'm not quite sure you understand the phrase.

Generally, when someone says, "big fish, small pond" the implication is that the guy isn't really as good as his stats / honors because he's playing lesser competition. It also implies he would fail against the big boys.

I get you trying to apply the phrase to Willies. In your opinion, he's succeeding because he's playing against a bunch of JuCo talent, not because he's actually a D-1 talent. Of course, this is only your opinion (many would disagree) but we won't know for sure for a couple years. Wegher made an NFL roster. Not just a roster but the roster of one of the best NFL teams. He really is that good. The phrase doesn't apply.

Hope this helps your future use of idioms and cliches.:cool:

The Wegher reference wasn't meant to bash his skills, it was to show that when someone with much more talent than his peers plays in a small league people on the outside tend to over inflate his ability. Replace Wegher with Tyler Starr if you want; same thing. Both of them destroyed their respective college conferences and were the absolute best at their positions, but in all likelihood they're going to bounce around practice squads for a few years.

And thanks for helping me with my grasp of English. Those tech school electives paid off for you. :cool:
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Willes is talented enough that he could be a starter for Iowa this year if he would have stayed and became a consistent route runner. That was his biggest weakness when he was fighting for playing time here. He made catches in practice that were pretty amazing. A back shoulder, one handed catch over the corners helmet, comes to mind and was really pretty amazing plus he was an above average blocker, but his consistency was lacking. It seems to me, he would have also struggled in the new culture the players started last year. I don't know if he will ever mature enough to put team over self. Everything works out the way it's supposed to. He may never play a down at Tech. We'll see.
Scheel has the talent to be a legitimate playmaker and a big time receiver. It all comes down to his desire, work ethic and staying healthy. If these things happen, I truly believe he can be a difference maker for this team. It' s always entertaining to me to see how kids and things develop.

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