Scenarios re: the Glover situation

rhetorical question, nothing personal. with social media these days, i don't think the mods or people running the pay sites have anything over anyone else. so, unless they know the recruits personally or have some close connection, i think they aren't any more reliable than anyone else.

Some are more connected than others but lets not fool ourselves here. The information that they are given is rarely first hand knowledge and they rarely are the sole barer of said information. Twitter and to some extent Facebook have completely changed the face of college recruiting and eventually these premium sites will fall by the wayside.
Some are more connected than others but lets not fool ourselves here. The information that they are given is rarely first hand knowledge and they rarely are the sole barer of said information. Twitter and to some extent Facebook have completely changed the face of college recruiting and eventually these premium sites will fall by the wayside.

with how fast info travels, they're going to have to find some other way to be sustainable. why would a recruit go thru someone when they can have their own webcast conference call, or release it through their twitter feed or personal website.
who knows what recruiting will look like in a few years, it's exploded the last few years and probably will only get crazier and crazier.
If I was a recruit I would have some fun playing games with some of these guys that call them up constantly asking about where they are going..
It has got to be Hubbard.. Why else would Fran just not come out and say that new there is a new commitment.. It is because Hubbard does not want to announce until Sat. I am sure Fran told Hubbard that they would only take him or Glover and so with Glover's visit coming up Hubbard did not want to lose out on the Hawkeye offer just to wait until sat so he contacted Fran and gave him commitment and asked him to keep in private so he can make announcement on deceased brother's birthday..
It has got to be Hubbard.. Why else would Fran just not come out and say that new there is a new commitment.. It is because Hubbard does not want to announce until Sat. I am sure Fran told Hubbard that they would only take him or Glover and so with Glover's visit coming up Hubbard did not want to lose out on the Hawkeye offer just to wait until sat so he contacted Fran and gave him commitment and asked him to keep in private so he can make announcement on deceased brother's birthday..

makes sense to me, but there are a few folk adamantly denying that there is a commit. if you're right, we'll just have to wait and see.
They don't know which is really ******* them off. There are enough paying members of the premium sites that post on here, Halo and Hawkeyereport that if someone knew something then it would hit the airwaves. It hasn't and even the premium payers are left to conjecture. Kind of funny if you ask me.

If this works out that we have a silent commit then I think Fran will be a legend overnight. Guys like CAAR aren't going to be able to complain any longer and proclaim 'the sky is falling' either so that will be really nice.

There is still another few weeks left in the Spring signing period but hopefully this issue gets put to rest this weekend.

Look I am getting sick of you mischaracterizing my comments. I HAVE NOT SAID THAT THE SKY IS FALLING! My statements the whole time have been that this is the make it or break it period for Iowa recruiting. I said that before Fran was hired, and I still say it.

The only people who take that as the sky is falling are the ones that don't think Fran can get the recruiting done in this crucial period. So, if you take it that my comments indicate I think the sky is falling, then YOU ARE THE ONE ACTUALLY THINKING IT. CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SCULL?!

I have no problem with people arguing against my points, but flat out lying about what I have said or mischaracterizing what I have said is over the line.
Didnt Hubbard say it wasnt him?? Not sure, but if coach is keeping things under his hat,why not go big and announce two signings and get the fan base fired up.This is what I've been thinking all along. hope it what happens.
Look I am getting sick of you mischaracterizing my comments. I HAVE NOT SAID THAT THE SKY IS FALLING! My statements the whole time have been that this is the make it or break it period for Iowa recruiting. I said that before Fran was hired, and I still say it.

The only people who take that as the sky is falling are the ones that don't think Fran can get the recruiting done in this crucial period. So, if you take it that my comments indicate I think the sky is falling, then YOU ARE THE ONE ACTUALLY THINKING IT. CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SCULL?!

I have no problem with people arguing against my points, but flat out lying about what I have said or mischaracterizing what I have said is over the line.

You are the most negative poster on here when it comes to hoops - maybe Ryno but you two are too close to call. Who says this is the make or break period, you? We all know that we need to start landing recruits but Rome wasn't built in a day. Fran has the experience to rebuild programs so just step back from the ledge and enjoy the ride.

It seems that we just told a 3+* kid to take a hike because we have someone signed already and we don't need his services. No way, No how would any of the previous two coaches had the stones to do something like that. Fran (and staff) brought in the two BEST players on last years squad. Why not just give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that it will continue, or do you think it was a fluke?

This team isn't too far off from being an NCAA contender. Adding White and Oglesby are a nice start. We still need height and depth at PG. I have a feeling we are going to get both of those plus a scoring wing to round out this class. I may be wrong but I doubt Fran is sitting on his *** wondering if some kid is going to sign.
You are the most negative poster on here when it comes to hoops - maybe Ryno but you two are too close to call. Who says this is the make or break period, you? We all know that we need to start landing recruits but Rome wasn't built in a day. Fran has the experience to rebuild programs so just step back from the ledge and enjoy the ride.

It seems that we just told a 3+* kid to take a hike because we have someone signed already and we don't need his services. No way, No how would any of the previous two coaches had the stones to do something like that. Fran (and staff) brought in the two BEST players on last years squad. Why not just give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that it will continue, or do you think it was a fluke?

This team isn't too far off from being an NCAA contender. Adding White and Oglesby are a nice start. We still need height and depth at PG. I have a feeling we are going to get both of those plus a scoring wing to round out this class. I may be wrong but I doubt Fran is sitting on his *** wondering if some kid is going to sign.

Ive noticed this type of sentence creeping in to more and more posts. Pretty funny.
Either there is a commit or the staff found out something about Glover that they didn't like. To me it looks more and more like Hubbard went to Fran in confidence and said I am going with Iowa but want to wait until Saturday to announce it. Fran knows at this point that they are now longer interested in Glover and so Glover is told not to bother with his visit because the offer to him has been withdrawn. Glover let's it be known that the scholarship offer has been withdrawn. Wisdom dictates that someone has silently committed. Since we are in the committing period there is absolutely no reason for the person to not announce it to the college basketball world except for two reasons; the recruit wanted time to contact other coaches to tell them he is going with Iowa. Surely if that were the case a recruit by now would have had enough time to contact other coaches and we would have heard something by now. That leaves option two (Hubbard). Hubbard wants to wait for Saturday. If it gets out that we have a commitment and Thursday and Friday go by and we are all sitting here twiddling our thumbs then it becomes apparent that it is Hubbard and thus his surprise announcement it ruined. Those in the known of course don't want that to happen and so they are trying to do damage control by putting out statements like "there is no commit". Option three is that Fran feels its hopeless and is just going to give the schollys to KF to use to recruit football players.(tongue in cheek) :)
Just because a few people say there is no commit doesn't mean anything. This staff plays it close to the vest. Very close to the vest.

We will know more later on. Fran usually divulges info on this after papers are signed and recruits have moved on or Iowa has moved on.

Fran is not unlike Doc....


Playing hard and fast. close to the vest......

[ame=]YouTube - Doc Holiday - TombStone - Not Friends Any More[/ame]
Either there is a commit or the staff found out something about Glover that they didn't like. To me it looks more and more like Hubbard went to Fran in confidence and said I am going with Iowa but want to wait until Saturday to announce it. Fran knows at this point that they are now longer interested in Glover and so Glover is told not to bother with his visit because the offer to him has been withdrawn. Glover let's it be known that the scholarship offer has been withdrawn. Wisdom dictates that someone has silently committed. Since we are in the committing period there is absolutely no reason for the person to not announce it to the college basketball world except for two reasons; the recruit wanted time to contact other coaches to tell them he is going with Iowa. Surely if that were the case a recruit by now would have had enough time to contact other coaches and we would have heard something by now. That leaves option two (Hubbard). Hubbard wants to wait for Saturday. If it gets out that we have a commitment and Thursday and Friday go by and we are all sitting here twiddling our thumbs then it becomes apparent that it is Hubbard and thus his surprise announcement it ruined. Those in the known of course don't want that to happen and so they are trying to do damage control by putting out statements like "there is no commit". Option three is that Fran feels its hopeless and is just going to give the schollys to KF to use to recruit football players.(tongue in cheek) :)

I get your logic and hope you are correct. Another possiblity is that Gessel will commit and FM doesnt want a PG hanging around for 3 years (Glover) to essentially serve as a backup. FM may rather have a 2014 or 2015 as an understudy to Gessel instead of an older PG "blocking" schollies.