scalping activity this year


Active Member
Considering going to the Michigan game next Saturday with my son and I am wondering about ticket availability through scalping outside of Carver. I know I can walk up and by two tickets from the ticket office, was wondering about scalping as an option.
I went to the Wisky game & thought I'd buy a ticket at the office. It didn't even dawn on me about scalping one. I didn't even think there would be any with the success the past 3 yrs or so.

As I was going in I suprisingly ran into one guy. He's been doing it 20 yrs or so there. I expected to pay 20 & something $ at the ticket office (Wasn't sure of the exact price) & went up to him & asked "Do you have a $10 ticket?". I was planning on just hanging out on the concorse anyway so didn't care how crappy of a ticket he gave me. He said he thought he could round me one up. He dug thru his tickets & gave me one.

Anyway, FYI, I was going into the N or NE entrance. Parked in the the lots (43 or something) across the road that connects Hawkins to Newton. NE side of Carver to the L of the new construction. I'm sure that same guy will prob still be there.

In retrospect, I could have offered him less than $10 but I was fine with $10 & I had a couple brews in me.

You should be able to score 2 tickets for at least $20 from him I would think. He had a whole fist full of tickets when I scored mine 1/2 hr prior to the game.

Good luck & enjoy. It was a good time & things are looking up at Carver for the future!!
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