scalpers are scum

Free market fellas. No scums around...only suckers.

Versus Wisky, I paid $150/ea for 4 tix on the 50 yard line, home side, 26th row. I was happy.
Ticket scalping, free market economics at it's finest.

I'm betting I could have got tickets for the UT-ISU game for around $10 judging from the number of empty seats in the stadium.

There ya go!! Turns out you get the concept!! You pass econ 101 with an A.
i love how so many people took this way out of context....i had saved $150 for the game and yes i had planned on him leaving i will actually get his govt paychecks once he goes in so no big's the fact i wanted to get two tickets for the 150 i had saved i had been trying for months to get tickets through craigslist and nobody returned my emails and i even tried bidding on ebay. I wasn't willing to go to the game alone and leave him without a ticket. I wanted this to be a great goodbye gift for him to see the game but i could only mustard 150....sorry you the majority of you think i'm being unrealistic.....just wanted to state my opinion that it's unfair for some of us that come to town once a year and can't seem to get a ticket...that's my point that's it...and if some of you think i'm a terrible planner than you don't know me and have no right and don't know my situation...i'm a loyal alumni and hawk fan and just wanted to see a game guilty as charged!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get a good idea as to how much ticket prices will cost on gameday. Look at Stubhub/eBay/Craigslist on Wednesday. If prices are selling for $150 a ticket, then expect to pay around $130 on the street.

You went to Kinnick hoping to get TWO tickets for $150. Sure, it's possible. But it's not likely. For that to happen, you need to find 2 intoxicated fans. Like I said, it's possible but don't expect it.
I had my tics for saturday and then gave them to some family due to a conflict in shedule. Then I was able to go to the game and was hopeing to get in for around $200 for my wife and I. We got into town late and after Sash had his big tackle for a loss, it was 3-0 wisconsin, the scalpers i saw at the nw corner still wanted $300 for two tics!!! There was 5-7 min gone in the first quarter!! Good thing the bars in ic are a good time!!
You went to Kinnick hoping to get TWO tickets for $150. Sure, it's possible. But it's not likely. For that to happen, you need to find 2 intoxicated fans. Like I said, it's possible but don't expect it.

Or some guy getting busted for an open container on Melrose. ;)
i love how so many people took this way out of context....i had saved $150 for the game and yes i had planned on him leaving i will actually get his govt paychecks once he goes in so no big's the fact i wanted to get two tickets for the 150 i had saved i had been trying for months to get tickets through craigslist and nobody returned my emails and i even tried bidding on ebay. I wasn't willing to go to the game alone and leave him without a ticket. I wanted this to be a great goodbye gift for him to see the game but i could only mustard 150....sorry you the majority of you think i'm being unrealistic.....just wanted to state my opinion that it's unfair for some of us that come to town once a year and can't seem to get a ticket...that's my point that's it...and if some of you think i'm a terrible planner than you don't know me and have no right and don't know my situation...i'm a loyal alumni and hawk fan and just wanted to see a game guilty as charged!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think you're a terrible planner and I think you are a good person for trying to do something nice for your husband before he ships out.

But to call others scum because they wouldn't cave in and give you a huge discount on the prices they were getting for tickets is silly. Sometimes life is unfair. Most people learn that lesson pretty early in life.

Just curious ... was the "husband just lost his job" that you posted about earlier a complete lie, or just a ruse to try and build up sympathy for your situation? Because now you're saying that you'll get his govt paychecks when he's gone. Before it was being worried about how you were going to pay the mortgage, remember?
No he did actually get laid off on monday two weeks before he ships out so that left me in a tough situation, i had saved the money for the game and was hoping to get us in but at the same time i felt guilty for trying to spend the money with him just getting laid off and not knowing if i would have enough in the upcoming weeks for wasn't a lie...and the i didn't intentially call the scalpers scum to get a big arousal out of people, it's just how i felt at the time when i saw several hawk fans trying to get in like me and they too were telling me and all of us around us trying for tickets we were getting screwed....
Its all about perspective. I bet the scalpers in Ames are viewed as the most generous, caring individuals in the city. :)

So what you're saying is, in Iowa City, there are TavernScalpers and they suck, but in L'Ames, all the scalpers are "real"? ;) :D
Free market fellas. No scums around...only suckers.

Versus Wisky, I paid $150/ea for 4 tix on the 50 yard line, home side, 26th row. I was happy.

I paid $175 for the exact same seat. Gladly and with no hesitation.
Fantastic view. Craptastic finish.
Ticket scalping at one time was illegal in Iowa City. I still think it is illegal in some states.

I sold a ticket at below face by corresponding with someone through this HawkeyeNation website. That might be the way to go, rather than paying ticket scalpers. I would never sell a ticket at above face to another Hawk fan. I might do it to an Iowa State fan or Wisky fan!!! (Just kidding)

The Iowa loss to Wisconsin will result in more tickets being available at lower prices just before kickoff. Count on it.
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I paid $175 for the exact same seat. Gladly and with no hesitation.
Fantastic view. Craptastic finish.


I was actually averaging-in the other two tickets close to us. The price I quoted you at my house was correct. Didn't want you to think I was screwin ya! ;)

I was actually averaging-in the other two tickets close to us. The price I quoted you at my house was correct. Didn't want you to think I was screwin ya! ;)

As I said above, I was glad to pay! :)
I also am not rich and don't have much money especially since my husband just lost his job that week on monday so i'm sorry you don't think i love the hawks cause i'm not willing to pay 150 for a ticket when i have a mortgage to pay as well
if you're not rich and your husband just lost his job, maybe you don't need to go to an iowa game?? sounds like you have more important things to spend it on then football
I went to the Penn State game. In 1972 after I graduated they offered Alumni association life memberships for a hundred bucks. I bought one. when Alumni association block was going to open up for a hundred dollar donation i got a weeks head start. Got two tickets at face. I sure wasnt flying up to IC without tickets. Ended up selling the other ticket to a local guy in Houston for face. I still think I got a good deal as the hundred was tax deductible. My wife is from Brazil and doesnt like college football, believe it or not.
They were definitely scum, it was like dealing with scalpers at Yankees games.. I finally ended up buying a section 133 ticket for $100, two minutes before game time
You sound like a petulant little child OP. What Hawkeye fan/ALUM (as you claim) would find any of this surprising? That was a HUGE game. Those scalpers owe you less than nothing, and yes, you are asking too much to think you deserved some kind of special treatment. Bad planning on your part does not make them scum. Grow up.

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