Damon Bullock and Jordan Lomax's vines are 100x better
Damon Bullock and Jordan Lomax's vines are 100x better
That doesn't make this one unfunny. Most of Bullock and Lomax's were among the funniest things I've ever seen.
If serious, you need to get out more...
Damon Bullock and Jordan Lomax's vines are 100x better
Apparently I'm behind the times because I've never heard of this "Vine" tomfoolery...can someone link the Bullock/Lomax ones? I actually found the Gesell/Clemons ones pretty funny.
Bullock's is now private. It was going viral for a few days (even found people on MGoBlog, a Michigan message board, talking about how funny it was), and of course Ferentz put a stop to it. Can't have players with personalities.
Bullock's is now private. It was going viral for a few days (even found people on MGoBlog, a Michigan message board, talking about how funny it was), and of course Ferentz put a stop to it. Can't have players with personalities.