Sandeman hit


Well-Known Member
So does the Big Ten suspend Ware a game? They suspended OSU's Coleman for a game that was a bit more contraversial. Just wanted to see what everyone else thought.
I dont think so, he didnt mean to go helmet to helmet, just happened, i dont think you can suspend someone for that
My hope would be yes. This was helmet to helmet contact. Ware made no effort to wrap and Colin did not duck down. This is the type of play I think should be an auto-suspension. An underlying serious injury resulted and it could have been catastrophic for either player. Ware could have sent the same message without leading with his helmet.

If this was an accidental helmet to helmet hit I would feel differently.

The reality is probably not. I would respect the Big Ten's effort to clean this type of thing up if they did.
I'd actually like to see his own head coach show some humanity and suspend the kid himself...but that's just me...
There was a Michigan kid that got suspended for punching a Notre Dame player, no flag was thrown on that play. Some kid from OSU got suspended for a late hit against Illinois.

So who knows?
Question on the foul, because the CR Gazette has conflicting reports. One reporter said that the call was for taunting, while another said it was Head-to-head contact. I thought it was head to head, but the guy also posed over Sandeman after the play. Which was it?
The player should be suspended. I don't know where these guys learn to tackle? Why come up and lead with the helmet? Why do they continue to allow players to tackle this way? The NCAA needs to send the message that this type of tackling is not allowed. Both players could of been seriously injured. We had a player the other get taken off the field in a cart in a high school game, because he tried making a BIG hit and he smoked his helmet right into the opposing teams kids helmet. Both players were shaken up, but the player who made the hit, couldn't move anything below his waist! It was a very scary moment!

Mostly Nothing website posted Stormin's still-photo of the hit...I wanted to make sure this was preserved in one of these threads.
Question on the foul, because the CR Gazette has conflicting reports. One reporter said that the call was for taunting, while another said it was Head-to-head contact. I thought it was head to head, but the guy also posed over Sandeman after the play. Which was it?

It was for Helmet to helmet contact. My buddies were at the game and the had a clear view of the play. They said the deep line-judge threw his flag right away, but they the officiating crew talked over the play and then called the penalty. I guess they also said that one of the officials was about to throw another flag on one of the MSU assistants, i guess he was out on the field screaming at the officials about the call. It was a clear Helmet to Helmet hit, if the kid would of put his hat on either side and ran threw him, nothing would of happened, but instead he went high and payed the price.
I don't think the head-to-head was intentional by Ware. I'm not sure how anyone can make an argument that it was. There is no justification.

1. The situation was too important for Ware to do that. Sandeman had to be stopped before reaching the first down marker.

2. Any penalty would allow Iowa's drive to continue.

3. It wasn't as if Sandeman and Ware were in the midst of some rivalry that had been brewing all game and it was don'e out of frustration for Sandeman getting the better of Ware earlier. (i.e. Retaliation of some kind)

Yes Ware should have been penalized on the field (as he was), but Ware should not endure any further scrutiny from the Big 10. He put a huge hit on Sandemen. It was a big play in a big game.

If the roles were reversed and Greenway or Sash was the player(s) in question we would be defending them rationalizing they were just playing hard.
I don't think the head-to-head was intentional by Ware. I'm not sure how anyone can make an argument that it was. There is no justification.

1. The situation was too important for Ware to do that. Sandeman had to be stopped before reaching the first down marker.

2. Any penalty would allow Iowa's drive to continue.

3. It wasn't as if Sandeman and Ware were in the midst of some rivalry that had been brewing all game and it was don'e out of frustration for Sandeman getting the better of Ware earlier. (i.e. Retaliation of some kind)

Yes Ware should have been penalized on the field (as he was), but Ware should not endure any further scrutiny from the Big 10. He put a huge hit on Sandemen. It was a big play in a big game.

If the roles were reversed and Greenway or Sash was the player(s) in question we would be defending them rationalizing they were just playing hard.

I personally think that the NCAA needs to ban this coming in "HIGH" stuff. I am sorry, but we teach kids when their little to wrap-up and tackle low. Now all i see is people head hunting when they are tackling. I don't ever re-call anyone ever telling players to come in and hit the player in the chest with your helmet! But now thats all you see is players coming in high.

I know the player probably didn't mean to lead with his head and hit sandemann the way he did, but whats wrong with running through the Wide receiver with your helmet on the side and shoulder pad in his ribs? We wonder why more and more players are getting concussions, well its because players are starting to lead with their helmets and hit with their heads down. Pretty soon someone is going to get paralyzed and its going to be a sad day when it does happen.
I personally think that the NCAA needs to ban this coming in "HIGH" stuff. I am sorry, but we teach kids when their little to wrap-up and tackle low. Now all i see is people head hunting when they are tackling. I don't ever re-call anyone ever telling players to come in and hit the player in the chest with your helmet! But now thats all you see is players coming in high.

I know the player probably didn't mean to lead with his head and hit sandemann the way he did, but whats wrong with running through the Wide receiver with your helmet on the side and shoulder pad in his ribs? We wonder why more and more players are getting concussions, well its because players are starting to lead with their helmets and hit with their heads down. Pretty soon someone is going to get paralyzed and its going to be a sad day when it does happen.

Fair enough. I'd even support that stance from the NCAA, but until its a rule I'm not sure you can justify additional penalties for Ware. This type of tackling is unfortunately the norm in the NFL.

Back in my high school days we were taught to put our helmet on the ball, wrap the guy and drive through him.
Here's what gets me...Mark Dantonio, both in the game when addressing the refs and in the press conference afterwards, has asked what his defensive back was supposed to do. As if the only recourse Ware had on the play was to go high with his knockout attempt.

Here's a thought about he makes a "normal" tackle? Head slid off to the side, in front of the ball carrier, helmet at about chest height, lift, drive, and plant him? Would have been just as impressive...

But no. Form tackles don't get you on ESPN...form tackles don't make the top 10 plays...form tackles merely get the job done, and Ware was clearly going for more than that. I don't think he meant to hit him helmet-to-helmet, but he sure as hell was going for a knockout-type shot. Take a look at the you see him trying to wrap up? I think not...
But no. Form tackles don't get you on ESPN...form tackles don't make the top 10 plays...form tackles merely get the job done, and Ware was clearly going for more than that. I don't think he meant to hit him helmet-to-helmet, but he sure as hell was going for a knockout-type shot. Take a look at the you see him trying to wrap up? I think not...

You've summed it up perfectly here.
I don't think the head-to-head was intentional by Ware. I'm not sure how anyone can make an argument that it was. There is no justification.

1. The situation was too important for Ware to do that. Sandeman had to be stopped before reaching the first down marker.

2. Any penalty would allow Iowa's drive to continue.

3. It wasn't as if Sandeman and Ware were in the midst of some rivalry that had been brewing all game and it was don'e out of frustration for Sandeman getting the better of Ware earlier. (i.e. Retaliation of some kind)

Yes Ware should have been penalized on the field (as he was), but Ware should not endure any further scrutiny from the Big 10. He put a huge hit on Sandemen. It was a big play in a big game.

If the roles were reversed and Greenway or Sash was the player(s) in question we would be defending them rationalizing they were just playing hard.

I don't think the head-to-head was intentional by Ware. I'm not sure how anyone can make an argument that it was. There is no justification.

1. The situation was too important for Ware to do that. Sandeman had to be stopped before reaching the first down marker.

2. Any penalty would allow Iowa's drive to continue.

3. It wasn't as if Sandeman and Ware were in the midst of some rivalry that had been brewing all game and it was don'e out of frustration for Sandeman getting the better of Ware earlier. (i.e. Retaliation of some kind)

Yes Ware should have been penalized on the field (as he was), but Ware should not endure any further scrutiny from the Big 10. He put a huge hit on Sandemen. It was a big play in a big game.

If the roles were reversed and Greenway or Sash was the player(s) in question we would be defending them rationalizing they were just playing hard.

Well said. Honestly, how stupid would he have to be to intentionally tackle him illegally there? There is no question that it was helmet to helmet, but I don't believe he did it intentionally, and he shouldn't be suspended further.
I don't think the head-to-head was intentional by Ware. I'm not sure how anyone can make an argument that it was. There is no justification.

1. The situation was too important for Ware to do that. Sandeman had to be stopped before reaching the first down marker.

2. Any penalty would allow Iowa's drive to continue.

3. It wasn't as if Sandeman and Ware were in the midst of some rivalry that had been brewing all game and it was don'e out of frustration for Sandeman getting the better of Ware earlier. (i.e. Retaliation of some kind)

Yes Ware should have been penalized on the field (as he was), but Ware should not endure any further scrutiny from the Big 10. He put a huge hit on Sandemen. It was a big play in a big game.

If the roles were reversed and Greenway or Sash was the player(s) in question we would be defending them rationalizing they were just playing hard.
Wasn't the hit on 2nd down? Even without the penalty, we'd still have the ball with chance to convert. I think it would have been 3rd and 5-6