Sanctions and vacated wins do nothing for the schools that follow the rules


Well-Known Member
With the impending evidence the NCAA will have dropped in its lap due to the FBI investigation into tax evasion and money laundering, a thorn in my side has been re-aggravated. As a fan of a relatively clean program (no school is perfect) it has always irritated me how little the actual consequences for NCAA violations actually end up being, especially through the lens of time. And more so, the non-cheating schools get nothing. Michigan isn't 2013 NCAA basketball champions nor is any other team that lost to Louisville in the tournament. And years from now, the vast majority of Louisville fans will say they have three national championships, not two.

It feels like if you cheat its ultimately a slap on the wrist and if you're cheated against you get nothing. Maybe they should make these teams turn over their share of the gate revenue to every team they played in the years where the wins are vacated.
The NCAA original purpose and what it has become needs to go under examination. With that in mind so does college sports programs at large institutions, a Michigan and a Grinnell are so far apart in the role of athletics yet they are members.

As academic institutions colleges recognize physical education, dance, theater, and art as majors. All four require physical skills. All four are forms of entertainment. However when it comes to athletics that is another story. Higher Education needs to rethink athletics as a major.
I agree - vacated wins are a joke. Does anybody care that the Fab 5's wins were all vacated, for example? Doesn't seem like it. And as the OP says, that doesn't help those other schools who might otherwise have had a chance at recruiting them. Webber, Rose, Howard, etc. all still went to Michigan, vacated wins or not. Otherwise, maybe some of them would have gone elsewhere, but that's moot point.

I also thought Minnesota's W's were vacated in the 1996-97 season (the year Iowa finished 2nd) yet everyone I see posting here still says Iowa's last Big 10 title was in 1980. Nobody is claiming a Big 10 title for the 96-97 season.
You need only look at Penn State's current football program to see how little it matters... I know they weren't sanctioned for cheating but the speed of recovery and in fact arguably eclipsing the latter Paterno years is stunningly depressing.

An honest question, would a program be better off long term by cheating to get to the apex knowing they would likely return to that apex based on reputation once any sanctions wore off (and knowing you might not get caught)?
If I was a Louisville fan and still bragged about the 2013 title I'd have to take a shower soon afterwards.
Its not that you'd brag about the 2013 title today, its that 5 years from now I bet you'd say your school has 3 national titles and I bet you wouldn't think twice about it. Hell, PSU still wants Paterno's statue back and the remaining wins restored.
You need only look at Penn State's current football program to see how little it matters... I know they weren't sanctioned for cheating but the speed of recovery and in fact arguably eclipsing the latter Paterno years is stunningly depressing.

An honest question, would a program be better off long term by cheating to get to the apex knowing they would likely return to that apex based on reputation once any sanctions wore off (and knowing you might not get caught)?

I've asked that question numerous times on here. It is worth cheating for teams. The benefit outweighs the punishment. Penn State never suffered for arguably one if not the worst horrific situations in NCAA sports. The death penalty needs to be handed out more often and these places really need to pay $$$$$$$. That is the only thing that is going to keep these institutions relatively clean. Hitting them where it hurts.
I've asked that question numerous times on here. It is worth cheating for teams.
I agree. Its like having an offer to bet $1 to win $10 and your odds are 1/5 of winning. The downside is small, the upside is huge, and the odds are in your favor if you at least bend the rules to absolute extreme.
Vacated wins are a joke, but the biggest joke is the fact the coaching staff can jump ship before the crap goes down, end up at another school with none of the stench on their shoes. Those who pay the price are usually innocent players and the new coaching staff. No doubt in my mind that Pitino ends up at another school in a year.
Vacated wins are a joke, but the biggest joke is the fact the coaching staff can jump ship before the crap goes down, end up at another school with none of the stench on their shoes. Those who pay the price are usually innocent players and the new coaching staff. No doubt in my mind that Pitino ends up at another school in a year.
If it’s bad enough it follows you. Didn’t Chip Kelly have a show cause order from the NCAA that he had to wait out.

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