Rush to judgement


Well-Known Member
In light of recent events, there seem to be quite a few folks around here who are pointing the finger at Hubbard's criminal record, as if to say "I told you so.".

People are certainly entitled to the opinion that it was a mistake to bring Hubbard aboard based on his past. But at this point, there is NOTHING that indicates his rap sheet and his departure are even remotely connected. There has been nothing about him getting arrested, getting into fights, or anything like that.

I get that his past makes for an easy target, but it could very easily have nothing to do with what's happening now. Now if he'd robbed the Kum and Go at the corner of Burlington and Madison, that would be one thing. But we haven't got any idea why he's leaving, other than that it's nothing THAT serious. So why so quick to point the finger at his past?

If it's grades, then his past doesn't have anything to do with it. Plenty of college kids, even ones who come from nice backgrounds and have good heads on their shoulders, fail a class.

If he simply wasn't clicking with the rest of the team, that's not exactly unheard of either, and that isn't indicative of a criminal record.

The only way you can point to his criminal record as an "I told you so." is if he went out and did something illegal. And at this point, there is no evidence of that.

Maybe it will turn out that the program is better off without him, whether because it prevents us having to endure a stupid decision he makes, or the potential distraction he presents whether he screws up or not. But let's not rush to judgement when we have practically no information. We proved last fall just how wild our imaginations can be if we let them loose.
Hey....How many of our other 26 year old recruits who were not in prison left in July just after arriving?? If you answered 0 you're correct....I am just saying there is probably a correlation....I report....YOU decide.
Hey....How many of our other 26 year old recruits who were not in prison left in July just after arriving?? If you answered 0 you're correct....I am just saying there is probably a correlation....I report....YOU decide.

Correlation =/= causation. One of the very elementary rules of statistics.
Hey....How many of our other 26 year old recruits who were not in prison left in July just after arriving?? If you answered 0 you're correct....I am just saying there is probably a correlation....I report....YOU decide.

Alford and Lick had plenty of recruits who had no criminal record leave Iowa without ever playing a minute. I don't see what Hubbard's age has to do with anything.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but what if he failed a summer class? Is that enough to have to leave the program?
Maybe this is a dumb question, but what if he failed a summer class? Is that enough to have to leave the program?

Yes. There's no way the staff sticks their neck out for a two-year player only to have him be ineligible until January.

The other possibility is that he just stopped showing up in class, which I think would also get him the boot. Summer classes are on an accelerated schedule and skipping a few days here and there adds up fast.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but what if he failed a summer class? Is that enough to have to leave the program?

It probably would be. And like I said, plenty of students fail a class in their college years, even if they are "good kids" with clean pasts. Which is just one example for why pointing to Hubbard's criminal record is foolish until we know what happened.
Yes. There's no way the staff sticks their neck out for a two-year player only to have him be ineligible until January.

The other possibility is that he just stopped showing up in class, which I think would also get him the boot. Summer classes are on an accelerated schedule and skipping a few days here and there adds up fast.

From what I've read here, wasn't he only taking one math class this summer? If so, I imagine someone was tasked with making sure he went, and I would think an army of tutors would have assured he passed.

I would think you'd have to be dumber than a bag of hammers to fail a class like that, with all the resources applied.
Hey....How many of our other 26 year old recruits who were not in prison left in July just after arriving?? If you answered 0 you're correct....I am just saying there is probably a correlation....I report....YOU decide.

Haha :p. This is pitch perfect.
Chad (tm) just answered himself using one of his other monikers. LMAO

I still have no idea what you're talking about. Where you got the idea that my name is Chad is beyond me. But by all means, continue deluding yourself, and ignore the discussion entirely.
If they had him taking an accelerated math class, that was not a good idea, unless he had to. In that case, they should have kept him out of PTL. For non-trad transfers, math courses have a very high failure rate.
I still have no idea what you're talking about. Where you got the idea that my name is Chad is beyond me. But by all means, continue deluding yourself, and ignore the discussion entirely.

Its because there is another user (cmhawks99) that signs his posts with his name, Chad. "cm" and "tm" are apparently similar enough that they cause confusion.
This mess is on McCaffrey, not Hubbard. Hubbard is who he is; good, bad, or indifferent. McCaffrey chose to make Hubbard his personal project and refused to acknowledge that save Iowa, Iona, PSU and NU, NOBODY wanted to touch this kid with a ten foot pole. McCaffrey had to be 100% sure that Hubbard would be a model citizen, teammate, student, etc., or reap the windfall of making an awful decision.

Agree it's not fair to assume Hubbard got in trouble, but the reason for his departure doesn't matter IMO. He is gone and we are without a guy McCaffrey was counting on to play 3 positions. Really poor decision by FM.
"wants to be closer to home" and " chemistry issues" are almost always used as a smoke screen for the real reason someone is transferring. when you have a past like hubbard's, hearing those company lines is only going to make most people assume that the real reason for him leaving must have something to do with his past and/or character issues.
Hubbard was on a tight leash because of his history. If he violated the rules, which were set up for him because of his past, then yes, his past is entirely responsible for his departure. That's causation.
This mess is on McCaffrey, not Hubbard. Hubbard is who he is; good, bad, or indifferent. McCaffrey chose to make Hubbard his personal project and refused to acknowledge that save Iowa, Iona, PSU and NU, NOBODY wanted to touch this kid with a ten foot pole. McCaffrey had to be 100% sure that Hubbard would be a model citizen, teammate, student, etc., or reap the windfall of making an awful decision.

Agree it's not fair to assume Hubbard got in trouble, but the reason for his departure doesn't matter IMO. He is gone and we are without a guy McCaffrey was counting on to play 3 positions. Really poor decision by FM.

How can a coach possibly read the mind of another person or always be able to predict what they may or may not do. Who knew Tucker was going to turn out the way he did or any other player who has come and gone from the basketball program or football program?

What would be sad is if all this is solely related to grades. If that is the case I hope the guy hasn't been reading these boards or anyone else outside of Iowa especially recruits. I was saddened that this happened as I thought the guy would be a great help to the team and that Iowa City would be a great experience for him.

I really hope we land Woodbury and Gesell to help strengthen the team and the recruiting efforts. If that happens this whole incident will quickly be forgotten. If on the other hand neither one of them signs with the hawks then Fran better be prepared for a little heat. I hoping that we get them both. I had thought that three years is enough to see where recruiting is heading and a program but in the case of the Iowa basketball program it might be wise to give it four years just because of the key players we will be losing after this upcoming season. By the time Mel is a senior if the tide hasn't stongly turned then Fran is in trouble. I said after Steve's third year that we were in trouble, and the writing was on the wall for Lick after his third season, but I think given the state of the program when Fran came in that four years may be needed. It would be great if after year three things have already turned in the right directions but who ever comes in to replace Cartwright is going to need at least a year of experience before they can make an impact unless we get a really good JC tranfer.
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Rush to judgment is what we do in this country.....not really sure where TM has been his whole life.:cool:
Rush to judgment is what we do in this country.....not really sure where TM has been his whole life.:cool:

Yes, what an awful judgmental country we live in. One where a felon can play college basketball on full scholarship.