Run In With College Football Player


Well-Known Member
I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but when I was going to Iowa State (BOO!), I had a run-in with a football player there that today I find humerous, but it wasn't at the time.
It was my first day on campus prior to classes starting and I had no history of my dorm...apparently it was where the football players lived of those that were on campus.
Not knowing anyone, I dinner myself donning my Iowa T-Shirt (I saw many others that first day so thought nothing of it). When finished I was waiting for the elevator and saw two large men, who seemed to be football players heading toward the elevator as well.
The three of us get on and the two players stared at me, their names not being James Reed or Nigel Tharpe, seeing I had an Iowa shirt, he who was not named James Reed asked me if I was an Iowa fan, I promptly told the truth and said Iowa basketball (more on that). So JR just glares at me and NT just laughs. JR then asks who I was going to root for when Iowa-ISU played this year in football, promptly I replied: Iowa. JR starts berating me and using some rather foul language and finishes by saying I ought to just kick your m-fing a** right here in this elevator and starts walking at me...then the elevator got to our floor, I didn't think it took 15 minutes to go four floors, but it seemed like it...little did I know that would not be my only run-in with JR...every time he saw me it was an adventure...the last one being he got into some kind of karate stance before the elevator opened with a bunch of people on it. I did however, room next to Troy Davis...that was interesting.
After that I changed into my Texas A&M football shirt, I haven't rooted for Iowa football really ever, always liked pro as a kid and not so much college until the early 90's. I went to the computer lab to check it out and headed right back to the elevator, to my ire I saw another group of guys coming up who appeared to be football players. Of course, we got on the elevator at the same time and I tried to hide in the corner, to no avail. One guy says hey did you transfer here from Texas A&M? Keep in mind I am a 5'6" chubby white kid. I said no and he then asks me if I was an A&M fan and I said, defensively, Yeah. He says hey calm down, its cool you know we play them here at home this year. I said yeah, I have tickets...he said hey that is cool, I am glad you will be at the game...A&M did win by a touchdown in a game that shouldn't have been close. I got razzed all the way to the game for wearing an A&M jersey by A&M fans...not one word from an ISU fan. I didn't realize how bad Corey Pullig was disliked by the A&M fanbase.

Sorry for getting a little off-topic in the end, but that are two incidents I had on the same day with ISU football players one good and bad, both I find amusing today. Anyone else?
Im pretty sure no matter who the coach is at ISU, they teach their kids to totally hate everything that is Iowa, and when I say hate, I mean no respect for anything with a tiger hawk, and can threaten anyone who wears it. Iv heard many stories like that, and I think its rediculous. Anyone who says this is a friendly rivraly, doesnt see the truth, they hate us. As for Iowa players and their coaches, they really could care less about ISU.
Im pretty sure no matter who the coach is at ISU, they teach their kids to totally hate everything that is Iowa, and when I say hate, I mean no respect for anything with a tiger hawk, and can threaten anyone who wears it. Iv heard many stories like that, and I think its rediculous. Anyone who says this is a friendly rivraly, doesnt see the truth, they hate us. As for Iowa players and their coaches, they really could care less about ISU.

That's what makes it their superbowl.
Im pretty sure no matter who the coach is at ISU, they teach their kids to totally hate everything that is Iowa, and when I say hate, I mean no respect for anything with a tiger hawk, and can threaten anyone who wears it. Iv heard many stories like that, and I think its rediculous. Anyone who says this is a friendly rivraly, doesnt see the truth, they hate us. As for Iowa players and their coaches, they really could care less about ISU.

One thing that was funny, I think Iowa beat ISU 66-0 or something terrible like that in my first year, the game kept getting replayed on the local the week went along the players were saying: "Hey the Iowa game is on again today, let see if we won this time."
Pretty funny to see them laugh and high five after saying it.
I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but when I was going to Iowa State (BOO!), I had a run-in with a football player there that today I find humerous, but it wasn't at the time.
It was my first day on campus prior to classes starting and I had no history of my dorm...apparently it was where the football players lived of those that were on campus.
Not knowing anyone, I dinner myself donning my Iowa T-Shirt (I saw many others that first day so thought nothing of it). When finished I was waiting for the elevator and saw two large men, who seemed to be football players heading toward the elevator as well.
The three of us get on and the two players stared at me, their names not being James Reed or Nigel Tharpe, seeing I had an Iowa shirt, he who was not named James Reed asked me if I was an Iowa fan, I promptly told the truth and said Iowa basketball (more on that). So JR just glares at me and NT just laughs. JR then asks who I was going to root for when Iowa-ISU played this year in football, promptly I replied: Iowa. JR starts berating me and using some rather foul language and finishes by saying I ought to just kick your m-fing a** right here in this elevator and starts walking at me...then the elevator got to our floor, I didn't think it took 15 minutes to go four floors, but it seemed like it...little did I know that would not be my only run-in with JR...every time he saw me it was an adventure...the last one being he got into some kind of karate stance before the elevator opened with a bunch of people on it. I did however, room next to Troy Davis...that was interesting.
After that I changed into my Texas A&M football shirt, I haven't rooted for Iowa football really ever, always liked pro as a kid and not so much college until the early 90's. I went to the computer lab to check it out and headed right back to the elevator, to my ire I saw another group of guys coming up who appeared to be football players. Of course, we got on the elevator at the same time and I tried to hide in the corner, to no avail. One guy says hey did you transfer here from Texas A&M? Keep in mind I am a 5'6" chubby white kid. I said no and he then asks me if I was an A&M fan and I said, defensively, Yeah. He says hey calm down, its cool you know we play them here at home this year. I said yeah, I have tickets...he said hey that is cool, I am glad you will be at the game...A&M did win by a touchdown in a game that shouldn't have been close. I got razzed all the way to the game for wearing an A&M jersey by A&M fans...not one word from an ISU fan. I didn't realize how bad Corey Pullig was disliked by the A&M fanbase.

Sorry for getting a little off-topic in the end, but that are two incidents I had on the same day with ISU football players one good and bad, both I find amusing today. Anyone else?
I have never heard of any of the football players listed in your story. Couldn't you have used easier names to tell your tale? Names like Bob Smith, or Roy Anderson...the Davis name seemed quite common though. Good work on that one.
I actually go to ISU for business. (I know! I know! but its cheap!) I currently have class with Georges Niang and Sherron Dorsey-Walker who are both scholarship basketball players. They are both pretty cool guys and know I am a die hard hawk fan ( I have a 6ft Iowa Flag hanging in my window so everyone can see at my dorm, and actually someone busted in and stole my previous one) and I never hesitate to tell them about how Adam Woodbury is our savior and how he and Basabe will be all over Niang next year. We all laugh it off and joke and they know Ill be cheering for them when they aren't playing the Hawks. They say they'll kick my arse but Im pretty sure they are all joking. I hope.
I'm not sure what to make of this thread.
I think I like how it started and where it might go, but I'm not all-in yet.

sportstalent, did you ever cross paths with Stevie Hicks?
sportstalent, did you ever cross paths with Stevie Hicks?

No need to be a dik4.

The players that I saw most were: Troy/Darren Davis, Damian Gibson, Kevin Hudson, James Reed, Nigel Tharpe, Damon Green, Sage Rosenfels, Ben Brunns and Reggie Hayward...there were some others, but my second year I was around basketball what a cocky bunch they were (Lee Love, Chris Riddens, Walter Moore and others).
interesting story as i have a good friend who claims that this stuff never happens, and that iowa fans and players are the a-holes. dude lives under a rock.
interesting story as i have a good friend who claims that this stuff never happens, and that iowa fans and players are the a-holes. dude lives under a rock.

So you are a reasonable fan. Good to hear their are ***** fans/players /ex players on each side. Who knew? :confused:

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