Maybe this is a dumb idea, but to resolve future controversies regarding the "invalid fair catch", just change the rule to state any punt that hits the ground is returnable, regardless of ANY legal or illegal fair catch signals. No returner is going to make a valid signal, stand under it and let it bounce. There's no upside or advantage to do that. This would remove any ambiguity or interpretation.
Thoughts? What am I missing? I suppose this could result in every returner signaling a valid fair catch for any punt they feel like they can't get to for "insurance". Not quite fair to the kicking team I guess. Very few punts that hit the ground are returned anyway...
Thoughts? What am I missing? I suppose this could result in every returner signaling a valid fair catch for any punt they feel like they can't get to for "insurance". Not quite fair to the kicking team I guess. Very few punts that hit the ground are returned anyway...