
He had a great game! Too bad the refs allowed so many bad-ger holds. Now it is time to smash the corncsuckers.
I agree.

In all seriousness, what is the biggest difference from the 2nd half compared to the 1st as far as the passing game?

The play calling? Jake's choices? He was much more accurate in the 2nd. I know that played a part.
I knew he could throw 20 to 30 yard passes without wind. He played great the last few possessions, only after it was desperation time and he was forced to throw the ball downfield and not check down to someone at the line of scrimmage. If you watched him, he was GOING downfield on the plays come hell or high water and they worked.

I believe that CJ can make plays that he can't and I haven't seen him make one that CJ couldn't, and I think he should have been starting all year. That being said, if JR threw to open receivers downfield all year like he did in the 4th quarter tonight there would be no debate, and I'm not even sure we'd have a loss. Problem is, in a normal situation he won't attempt those throws.
anyone notice we lost?

No ****, Sherlock. But acknowledging a damn good performance from Rudock in a loss is hardly a crime. Third down defense lost us this game, and Rudock did about all anyone could do to mount a comeback in spite of that.
If the refs had not missed that hold on #78 on that final 3rd down, or the one in the first half where Duzey was going to score a TD reception Iowa could have won.
I agree.

In all seriousness, what is the biggest difference from the 2nd half compared to the 1st as far as the passing game?

The play calling? Jake's choices? He was much more accurate in the 2nd. I know that played a part.

They spread it out and stopped trying to pretend that they could control the game with Weisman, Weisman, pass short of the sticks, punt. Apparently they needed the entire first half to determine this, which is basically why they lost.
No ****, Sherlock. But acknowledging a damn good performance from Rudock in a loss is hardly a crime. Third down defense lost us this game, and Rudock did about all anyone could do to mount a comeback in spite of that.

Maybe you have amnesia. He was one of the reasons we had 3 points in all of the first half. That's a big reason for why we lost. If the offense could have put up 28, we'd have won today. Think about what you're saying...he had a "career game" today and we LOST. That tells you all you need to know. JR, KF, GD...they all need to go. A 7-4 record with this schedule is criminal. I feel like someone stole $4 millions from me.
Jake played his butt off and deserves some praise win or lose. Great effort today. It has been a while since I've been that excited watching the hawks.
I don't believe that no one was open early in the game when they were fixed on stopping the run but everyone was open later when they knew we were passing. Doesn't make sense.